  • 學位論文


The Use of Co-design to New Travel Service Innovations

指導教授 : 温博仕


因應旅遊市場的競爭日益激烈,多數業者皆透過各種輔助性的行銷方式吸引消費者的注意,而促使消費者購買產品,但大多數業者並未提供真正符合個人需求或偏好的產品,因此本研究透過共同設計的概念,並利用聯合分析方法找出日本大阪京都及中國北京最優化的套裝產品組合設計,共同設計除了使消費者滿足個人需求及從中獲取獨特之體驗外,同時業者亦可提高利潤及增加消費者之忠誠度,及可避免或降低在開發新產品的風險問題。此一概念也是可作為旅行社業者實踐創新服務的手法。 經過專家訪談,了解旅行社業者跟學者對於共同設計在旅遊服務產業的可行性及實際看法,從訪談結果中發現專家對於共同設計的執行採樂觀態度,其認為目前旅遊服務產業仍未有企業將此一概念真正落實,因此旅遊服務業若能在掌握購買人數及消費者偏好,在這範圍下共同設計的概念能有落實的可能。 在本研究之第一階段問卷調查結果顯示,消費者在考量選購套裝旅遊產品時,是以產品價格為主要考量,但藉由第二階段問卷調查結果,消費者普遍對「飯店住宿星等」重視程度為最高。由此可知,在整體產品的考量下,產品價格固然是重要因素,但住宿飯店的星等更受消費者所重視。 又藉由區隔變數,消費者對套裝旅遊產品之屬性重視程度會略有差異,可讓業者對特定的目標群建立最優化的產品組合服務,從聯合分析中的成分效用估計值趨勢來看,年齡越高的消費者較能接受高價位的服務,旅遊地區若無警示,年長者則會較偏好,且其較偏好渡假舒壓的活動,而不喜歡主打購物活動的行程。在月收入區隔變數方面,月收入較高者對飯店住宿星等越高則越偏好、餐飲類型也越喜歡當地風味餐搭配中華料理(特色小吃搭配桌席料理);旅遊地區若無警示,月收入較高者也會對此套裝旅遊產品越喜愛。在景點規劃中,月收入越高者在日本套裝旅遊的選擇上則越偏好渡假舒壓的行程,而在中國套裝旅遊產品時則會越偏好景點參觀的活動。 最後,本研究以日本大阪京都及中國北京的套裝旅遊服務產品為例,應用共同設計的方式,透過了解消費者的偏好及需求,創造出最優化的套裝旅遊服務產品,以滿足消費者之需求與偏好,如此除旅遊服務業者可達到創新的旅遊服務,並可達到業者與消費者雙贏的效果。


The travel industry is facing tough competition; however, despite their efforts to attract customers’ attention through different marketing strategies, most agencies have not customized its products to fit each individual’s need and preference. Therefore, this study focuses on the concept of co-design, using conjoint analysis to arrive at the best set of customized design. By customizing products, travel agencies can also increase profits and customer loyalty, and lower or avoid the risk of inventing new products. Also, this concept is an innovating technique for travel agencies. After personal interview with travel agencies and scholars—as well as the possibilities of co-design— it seems that experts are optimistic on the success of co-design and believe that no company has exactly executed. If companies are to get a better grasp on the number of consumers willing to purchase co-design products and the consumers’ preferences, they would be successful at implementing co-design. The results of the first stage of questionnaire indicate that consumers’ primary concern when selecting travel packages is price. But the results of the second stage of questionnaire indicate that consumers are most concerned about the rating of the hotel they’re staying in, in other words, how many stars the hotel has. Therefore, we can conclude that even though price is a critical factor, the number of stars in a hotel’s rating is also something consumers value. And using segmentation variable, customers will respond differently to how they value package travel products, therefore making it possible for travel agencies to target specific groups to provide the best package services. From conjoint analysis of part-worth utility trend, it seems that elder customers are more acceptable to higher-priced cervices. Seniors also prefer vacation spots that do not have warning threats and tend to prefer vacations that offer relaxation as opposed to shopping. As for segmentation variable for monthly income, those with higher monthly income are inclined to hotels wither higher star ratings and prefer local cuisines combined with Chinese cuisines (local specialties with family-style food). Customers with higher income also prefer traveling to places without warning threats. For vacation destinations, customers with higher income prefer relaxing vacations for Japan travel packages and sight-seeing areas for China travel packages. This study aims to use co-design to innovate travel services.The success of co-design depends on the mutual collaboration of travel agencies and consumers; by understanding customers’ needs and preferences to introduce the optimized travel package services of Osaka, Kyoto and Beijing such will result in a win-win situation for travel agencies and customers.


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