  • 學位論文


The Study of Relationships among Personality Traits, Work Values and Job Satisfaction for Outsourcing IT Service Stationed Workers

指導教授 : 梁德昭


委外服務管理工作中對於委外服務人員的掌控程度將可能影響客戶對於委外合約執行滿意程度的重要指標。因此為了能夠了解委外服務人員對於委外服務工作的滿意程度,本研究係從心理層面探討,依據委外服務人員人格特質及工作價值觀來判斷其對工作滿意的程度。 從相關文獻分析,本研究以「人格特質」、「工作價值觀」與「工作滿意度」為三大構面,並採用問卷調查法,以資訊委外服務駐派人員為研究對象,透過描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元回歸分析等統計方法加以分析與解釋。藉由研究結果呈現,做為管理資訊委外服務駐派人員之參考與建議。 本研究結果與結論如下: 1. 資訊委外服務駐派人員不同的背景變項對工作價值觀及工作滿意度有顯著差異性。 2. 資訊委外服務駐派人員的人格特質、工作價值觀與工作滿意度存 在顯著關聯性。 3. 資訊委外服務駐派人員人格特質、工作價值觀對於工作滿意度之 預測力上,在聰穎開放性、嚴謹自律性與和善性之人格特質,與情意性、認知性之工作價值觀等構面,最能預測資訊委外服務駐派人員的工作滿意度。


Outsourcing IT service management for the control of the outsourcing IT service stationed workers that may affect the customer satisfaction of outsourcing contract for important indicators. Therefore, in order to understand the job satisfaction of outsourcing IT service stationed workers, this study from a psychological study, based on personality traits, work values for outsourcing IT service stationed workers to determine their degree of job satisfaction. The structure of research is on three main factors, each as the personality traits, the work values, and the job satisfaction. The questionnaire-survey is adopted to collect research data and through means of statistical inference, the methods of t-test, one-way ANOVA, person’ product-moment correlation, and multiple regressions, and to point out three research hypothesis. By the results revealed, this study also provides some suggestions for human resource management of outsourcing IT service stationed workers. And the result and finding are as follows: 1. By different background, there are significant differences of personality traits, work values, and job satisfaction. 2. For outsourcing IT service stationed workers, there are relationships in between personality traits, work values, and job satisfaction. 3. Amongst personality traits, work values, and job satisfaction of outsourcing IT service stationed workers, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, affective, and cognitive are useful indication for the job satisfaction.


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