  • 學位論文


IT department outsourcing cost-benefit analysis─A Case Study on Company F

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


近年來台灣的企業對資訊委外已慢慢接受,由於目前的資訊委外服務項目眾多,本研究主要探討的項目為資訊機房共構及資訊系統委外之成本效益並評估虛擬化技術導入之可行性,為了是有助於 F 公司成本上的控制更能專注於發展其核心業務,並避免 F 公司導致投注於資訊系統成本相關資源上的浪費。本研究希望透過個案研究及深入探討 F 公司資訊部門委外的成本與效益分析,希望利用本研究可為學界與業界提供實務上的參考,此乃本研究之動機所在。本研究之目的有以下四點:1.以資訊部門的專業領域為基礎,評估個案公司應自行建置或委外之決策分析; 2.依個案公司資訊機房現有設備評估資訊機房虛擬化及委外共構之可行性; 3.內在環境於長期的變動趨勢之下,資訊委外後資訊人力整合之效益; 4.依據文獻資料探討實務面之成功案例,提出資訊委外實務方面之參考建議。經研究分析結果,個案公司於委外後不管人力、軟硬體設備及機房設施均有明顯的降低成本,對於個案公司策略性的委外資訊業務,對組織來說可更有效的控制內部資源以達到成本控制。


The concept of IT outsourcing has been slowly accepted in many Taiwanese enterprises. Since there are varied IT outsourcing services, this study focused on the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing the IT rooms, the feasibility assessment in the importing virtualization technology. The main purpose is helping company F control their IT cost. The motivation of this study is to study company F’s costs and benefits of outsourcing policy to provide practical information for academia and industry. The objectives of this study includes: 1. Evaluating IT outsourcing based on the point of information department; 2. Evaluating the feasibility of Company F IT room virtualization and outsourcing based on existing equipments; 3. Discussing the effects of integration of information human under long-term trends in outsourcing; 4. Providing successful suggestions for outsourcing by literature review. Results from the outsourcing company show that cost of personnel, hardware and software equipment and room facility were reduced significantly. For case companies, strategy of IT outsourcing can lead the internal resources to achieve better efficiency.


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