  • 學位論文


The Study of Water Reclamation in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 王士紘


氣候變遷,是現今最受到矚目的問題之一,不僅對生態造成重大影響,水資源與糧食問題也接踵而來。根據資料顯示,台灣受到的氣候變遷影響程度比全球平均值更大,水資源問題也相對更為嚴重。本研究針對用水較為吃緊的南部地區進行研究,試圖透過水再生利用改善南部用水的不足問題。 本研究分為三個部分,第一部分為農業休耕與再生水相關方面探討,第二部分為再生水風險與利用方面探討,第三部分為再生水廠相關成本規劃探討。再從研究結果中對現今水再生利用與水資源相關問題提出建議。 研究結果顯示再生水利用於農業灌溉比缺水休耕所花費的金額為低,在風險分析方面結果也顯示再生水利用於景觀與農業灌溉風險值是最低的,從兩者可得知,再生水利用於農業灌溉是可行的方案。至於改建汙水廠與新建再生水廠成本分析,由於資訊不夠齊全,僅列出相關模式規劃供後人參考利用。


Climate change is one of the most attracted much attention, not only on the ecological significant impact on water and food problems have followed. According to statistics, Taiwan has felt the impact of climate change greater than the global average is relatively more serious water problems. In this study, water shortage in the southern region, the problem of inadequate attempt to improve the southern water through water recycling. In this study, divided into three parts, first part of the discussion, the second part to the risk of recycled water use of the third part of the recycling plant cost planning of agricultural fallow and reclaimed water. From the results of today's water reclamation use of water-related recommendations. The results show that regeneration Water used for agricultural irrigation water shortages fallow the amount spent was lower in the risk analysis results also show that regeneration Water used for landscape and agricultural irrigation risk value is the lowest, can be learned from both, recycled water used for agriculture irrigation is a viable option. As for the alteration of wastewater treatment plant and the new recycling plant costs analysis, the information is not complete, list only the relevant mode of planning for future generations to draw upon.


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