  • 學位論文


Case Study of Management Pattern of Facebook Fan Pages in Bridal Photography Services

指導教授 : 王居卿博士
共同指導教授 : 羅惠瓊博士


婚紗攝影經常是一個人在結婚時主要的消費之一,台灣婚紗產業不但在物價上比鄰近東南亞國家便宜,在攝影技術上有足夠的水準,台灣婚紗業的競爭力可說是優於其他國家的服務業之一。而隨著科技發達及民眾消費行為改變,婚紗業者開始關注網路行銷模式,在眾多網路行銷模式中,社群網站成為最主要的行銷模式之一。其中,更以FACEBOOK粉絲專頁為主要經營方式,企業們紛紛以粉絲專頁來達成網路行銷之目的。 本研究乃是一個多重個案的研究,針對中山北路22間婚紗店之粉絲團的經營狀況,利用次級資料佐以文獻探討了解中山北路婚紗產業FACEBOOK粉絲專頁經營之特性。針對粉絲專頁之內容面,包含價值主張與策略、產品服務設計;互動面包含顧客支援性、組織設定與行銷活動舉辦作比較分析。 本研究發現在研究個案案例中僅有一家達成15項經營指標者,其粉絲人數的談論比例最高,代表經營指標的確影響其談論比例。建議未來婚紗業者在經營粉絲團能夠提供更多與粉絲互動的方式,加強婚紗業粉絲團內容面的充實,讓粉絲專頁談論比例可以更加提升,並加深與粉絲的關係。再者可增加更多網路曝光平台,對網路行銷產生更大綜效。除此之外,在研究上建議未來可針對即將要結婚之消費者,深入了解粉絲專頁對其購買意願是否有影響。


Wedding photography is usually one of the necessary consumption for a person’s marriage. Taiwan wedding industry is not only cheaper than neighbor countries in Southeast Asia, the competitiveness of Taiwan wedding industry is also stronger than other countries due to the high level technique in photography. With technological advances and changes in consumer behavior, the wedding industry began to focus on the network marketing. In numerous network marketing approach, the social network becomes the important marketing model. In addition, the Facebook fan page is becoming the important marketing mode. Companies usually use the Facebook fan page to achieve the purpose of network marketing. This research is a multiple cases study exploring 22 Facebook fan pages of bridal photography service in Zhongshan North Road. This study takes advantage of both secondary data and literature review to explore the internet marketing of bridal photography service in Zhongshan North Road. Two aspects of the Facebook fan page --content and interaction-- are explored and compared in this study: the content aspect includes value statement, strategy, product (service) design; and the interaction aspect includes customer support, organization arrangement, and marketing activity. This research finds that only one case in this study has achieved 15 operating indicators and this case has higher number of fans, and it also certainly affects the intensity of dialogue in the fans page. Therefore, one of the main suggestions is that the wedding industry should offer more ways to interact with the fans and enrich the content of Facebook fans page in order to strength and deepen the relationships with Fans in the future. Additionally, more network exposures may be needed to bring up the synergy of internet marketing. For further research suggestion, whether the Facebook fan page affects the purchase intention of the consumers who will marry may be explored strictly.


吳尚庭、陳五洲(2011)。社群媒體網站對體育輔助教學之應用—以 Facebook 粉絲專頁為例。臺灣體育論壇,2,01-10。
