  • 學位論文


A Study on Japan's National Security Strategy( 2007-2015)

指導教授 : 李大中


2013年日本政府公布《國家安全保障戰略》、《平成26年度以後防衛計畫大綱》、《中期防衛力整備計畫》、《防衛裝備移轉三原則》等文件,並為因應最新國家安全保障環境現況,與美國完成《日美防衛合作指針》修訂;另通過於2015年9月19日通過《和平安全法》為解禁行使集體自衛權提供國內法法源依據。雖然日本政府一再強調基於「積極和平主義」以強化日美同盟、重視鄰國合作關係及促進經濟再生之經濟外交等「外交三柱」,期望達成「俯視地球儀外交」目標為主軸推動外交戰略及防衛利整備工作,惟前述舉措除改變日本外交戰略、防衛政策等走向外,同時亦引發中國大陸、韓國等國高度疑慮。 本篇論文歸納及整理日本政府制訂《國家安全保障戰略》前、後之國家安全戰略、外交、防衛政策變化及國家所面臨之困境,並探討《國家安全保障戰略》對日本內部、外部及對亞太地區國家之影響,進而提出我國制訂對日本政策之可行建議。日本的國家安全觀涵蓋外交、軍事、經濟及環境等範圍,制訂《國家安全保障戰略》後持續進行外交、防衛等政策修訂,主要著眼於塑造正常國家意象、強化日美同盟效益、應對中國大陸崛起及掌握國際話語權等。而我國在面對持續變化之國際安保環境、日本安全保障戰略調整影響及與日本未建立邦交之現況下,應朝向建構華、美、日安全保障三角關係、持續深化華日經濟合作及民間交流、以人道救援、災害救助(HA/DR)強化雙方合作、建立非傳統安全領域情報交換等面向,制訂具體可行之對日政策,展開全面性、整體性戰略,謀取我國最佳利益。


Since 2013, The government of Japan has published several documents, focusing on national security, including National Security Strategy, National Defense Program Guidelines for FY2014 and Beyond, Mid-term Defense Buildup Plan, and the Three Principles on The Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology. In order to meet the current national security environment, Japan and United States had revised the Guideline for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation in April 2014. In particular, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party promoted the Bill for the Development of Legislation for Peace and Security, passed on September 19, 2015. The legislation reinterpreted the relevant passages to allow the Japan Self-Defense Force to operate overseas for collective self-defense for allies. The Government of Japan has adapted the Three Pillars of Foreign Policy, includes strengthening JP-U.S. Alliance, improving relationships with neighboring countries, and promoting economic revival, in order to achieve the Panoramic Perspective of the World Map to push forward foreign and defense strategies under the fundamental of Proactive Contribution to Peace. However, these measures have brought highly attentions and suspects from People Republic of China and Republic of Korea. This study not only summarizes the changes of national security strategy, defense policy, and national difficulties in Japan before and after the approval of the first National Security Strategy but also discusses their impacts to Japanese internal and external affairs and countries in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper also provides feasible suggestions to Taiwan’s foreign policy to Japan. Japan’s national security perspective covers foreign affairs, military, economy, and environment, etc. After the approval of the National Security Strategy, Japan has continually revised foreign and defense policies primarily focusing on transforming Japan into a normal country, strengthening effectiveness of JP-US cooperation, responding the rise of Mainland China, and improving the role in the global stage. Concerning to the evolving global national security environment, adjustment of Japanese National Security Strategy, and no official relationship between Republic of China and Japan, Republic of China should build up a ROC-US-JP security triangle framework as a platform and seek the best national interests by deepening economic cooperation, civil exchanges, strengthening HA/DR cooperation, establishing unconventional security information exchanges, formulating specific and comprehensive policies and strategies.


13.陳一新,〈中國夢美國夢相通 長路漫漫〉,《財團法人國家政策研究基金會》,2013年6月10日。
