  • 學位論文


A Study of Business Strategy for the Clinical Laboratory in Taiwan

指導教授 : 婁國仁


面對日漸嚴苛的醫療經營環境,以及民眾對於醫療品質之嚴格要求等因素,對於整體醫療生態造成莫大的衝擊,醫事檢驗所近年來也因無法生存而數量持續減少中,其經營模式若不能有效改善,狀況只會持續惡化,醫事檢驗產業如何面對此變局,將是一項嚴峻的挑戰。 本研究針對台灣醫檢產業環境現況進行瞭解後,再透過五力分析與SWOT分析來探討台灣醫檢產業經營策略上的制定。本研究建議政府依據「醫藥分業」特約藥局之成功模式,徹底落實「醫檢分業」制度,請特約醫療院所交付檢驗處方箋,如此不但民眾可獲得醫師與醫事檢驗師更精緻的專業服務,建立醫事分工普遍親民化的執業型態,更可以提升醫療服務品質,醫事檢驗產業也才有永續經營的基礎。 醫事檢驗產業業者必須學習醫療行銷層面之知識,充實專業醫療新知,全面提昇醫學檢驗新技術,創造產品差異化的檢驗項目。結合商業管理理論與精準醫學新趨勢,結合手機APP檢驗雲端服務平台,提供即時檢驗新知諮詢與歷年檢驗數據追蹤的附加價值。本研究結果期盼可為醫事檢驗所,注入新的開業思維與策略建議,作為改善經營體質的求生參考。


Facing the increasingly stringent operations of the medical environment as well as the stringent demands on quality medical service of people, clinical laboratories in the recent years are facing great challenges on how to survive and are continuously decreasing, if the mode of operation doesn’t improve. The situation will continuously become worse, how medical laboratories are going to face these changes. It will be one severe challenge. This research goes into understanding the present situation of Taiwan’s medical laboratory, and utilizes the Porter five force analysis and SWOT analysis to explore the development of Taiwan’s clinical laboratory industry business strategy. This research recommends the government to base on the success of the “Pharmaceutical sub-sector”, and implements thoroughly the “Medical examination sub-sector” system, to let the medical institutions release the laboratory examination prescriptions or requests, not only to let the people receive better and refine professional service from physicians and medical technicians, and establish an medical mission division with universal people prioritized practice pattern, which will upgrade the quality of medical service, and the sustainable development of the clinical laboratory industry. People from the medical laboratory industry should learn the medical marketing knowledge, update new medical, upgrade the medical testing technology, and create differentiation in testing. Combining business management theory and precise medical new trend and an APP cloud service platform, it provides new consultation and additional features of historical data follow-up. The results of this look forward to inject a new outlook in business strategy of the clinical laboratories industry to serve as a reference for seeking survival and improvement of management quality.


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