  • 學位論文


A Small Discussion About Chinese Character Culture and Art of Living-- take tabelware, apparel and furniture for example.

指導教授 : 崔成宗


中國漢字藝術歷史悠長、典雅優美,富含文學意涵與文化思想,但卻容易令人感到高深莫測,提到漢字書法就會聯想到磨墨、毛筆、永字八法、學習困難的印象。但隨著現代國際間對中國的重視,中國風開啟了流行之路,漢字書法相關展演活動陸續開展,書法印象開始具備現代感、設計感,結合文化創意產業可以有文創,有產品,有產值,對於社會大眾深具啟發意義,令筆者起心動念,以研究「漢字文化與生活藝術隅論─以餐具、服裝、家具為例」為題來開展論文。 本論文以「漢字文化與生活藝術隅論─以餐具、服裝、家具為例」為題,在具備漢字書法各書體先備知識下,先分析漢字書法的各種字體型態在古代生活器物上的表現,有在食器上的、服飾上的、家具上的,分別於漢字文化與飲食餐具藝術、漢字文化與服裝藝術、漢字文化與家具藝術等章節概述。並且將漢字文化融入高中藝術生活課程,讓學生認識漢字藝術、感受漢字書法之美,並且發揮創意、著手設計,將中國漢字書法各書體形態轉化為產品設計的元素,截取其筆畫特色融入日常生活用品之中,開闊學生現代產品設計思維與尋找設計靈感的有效方法。漢字形態又與現代產品設計可有創造相通之處,將漢字融入現代生活,體會和探索漢字文化的美與價值所在 。 本論文的第一章緒論,概述研究緣由及文獻探討、 研究方法。 第二章漢字文化與餐具藝術概述,探討古代陶瓷、青銅器物銘文與食器關係,並欣賞其漢字之美,加入現在漢字藝術節、好漢玩字等漢字餐具的分析,再融入高中藝術生活課程與學生一同從事漢字餐具設計。 第三章漢字文化與服裝藝術概述,先探究中國古代利用漢字為服飾紋飾的案例,了解其代表的意涵,再加入現在服裝設計師所設計的漢字書法服裝展演活動之分析,之後筆者以節令詩詞為設計元素,融入服裝設計,呈現出兼具實用美觀與文化意涵的T恤。第四章漢字文化與家具藝術概述,先概括了解中國家具發展歷程,探討明式家具與漢字之關係,分析漢字藝術節、好玩漢字等藝術家設計的漢字家具,之後將其融入高中藝術生活課程,與學生腦力激盪,從事漢字家具設計,營造具文化意涵的居家空間。 整體而言,將漢字形態元素靈活多樣地運用到現代產品造型設計之中,將平面漢字藉由餐具設計、服裝設計、家具設計立體化,讓漢字文化更為平易近人,必將有助於我們開闊生活想像的空間,吸取傳統漢字文化的精華,提高生活藝術的品味。 關鍵字:漢字、漢字文化、書法、生活藝術


漢字 漢字文化 書法 生活藝術


Chinese characters, which are elegant and beautiful, have a long history and are full of literary meanings and cultural thoughts. However, Chinese calligraphy often intimidated people with the difficulty with rub-down ink, writing brushes and Eight Principles of Yong. Recently, with the rise of China, Chinese culture has become trendy. There are more and more Chinese calligraphy exhibitions. Chinese calligraphy, now considered contemporary and fashionable, can be combined with culture and creativity to inspire the society. Thus it is worthwhile to research the combination of Chinese calligraphy and applied arts. This thesis is mainly concerned with Chinese character culture and art of living-- take tableware, apparel and furniture for example. Based on knowledge about Chinese character calligraphy, different types of chirography on ancient articles for daily use like tableware, apparel and furniture are first analyzed. The following chapters introduce the immersion of Chinese character calligraphy into the high school Applied Arts course. The course first has students recognize Chinese calligraphy and experience the beauty of Chinese character calligraphy. Then students can creatively design daily commodities with Chinese character calligraphic elements. In so doing, they apply Chinese character calligraphy patterns to modern product design and immerse themselves in the modernized beauty of Chinese character calligraphy; meanwhile, they experience and explore the beauty and value of Chinese character calligraphy. Chapter one presents the purposes of the study, literature review and research methods. Chapter two probes into Chinese character calligraphy on ancient ceramics, bronze inscription and tableware. Then it introduces the immersion of Chinese character calligraphy into the high school Applied Arts course, which instructs students to create tableware with Chinese character calligraphy. Chapter three concerns Chinese character calligraphy on apparel design. It first researches ancient examples of calligraphy patterns on apparel and the meaning behind the design. Then it analyzes modern designers’ application of Chinese character calligraphy patterns to apparel. Finally it ends with the design of T-shirts containing elements of seasonal poems, which are useful, beautiful and full of cultural meanings. Chapter four discusses applying Chinese character calligraphy to furniture. It starts with the general history of Chinese furniture development. Then it narrows down to the relation between Ming-dynasty furniture and Chinese character calligraphy. Next it analyzes the furniture exhibited in The Delight of Character Festival and Chinese Character Festival. At last it closes with the immersion of such furniture design into the high school Applied Arts course, which encourages students to create Chinese calligraphy furniture. In general, integrating Chinese calligraphic elements into modern product design flexibly turn calligraphy three-dimensional and approachable. It also helps us broaden our world of imagination, absorb the essence of traditional Chinese calligraphy and enhance our artistic taste of living.


Chinese calligraphy art in life


16、 袁枚:《隨園食單》(西安市:三泰出版社,2005年9月)。
5、 林漢裕.林榮泰.薛惠月:《漢字轉換為產品造形的可行性探討》(設計學報,第十卷,第二期),頁77-88。
11、 楊雅鈞:《台灣文化創意產業發展之研究-以漢字節為例》(淡江大學漢
一、 古籍:
1、 王雲五主編.盧辯注.孔廣森補:《大戴禮記補注.卷三.保傅》(臺北:臺灣商務印書館,中華民國54年12月臺一版)。
