  • 學位論文

台灣銀行業聯合貸款經營策略之研究 -以 C 銀行為例

Studies of Syndicated Loan Strategy of Taiwan Banking — Bank C as an example

指導教授 : 林江峰


針對目前企業資金需求增多,會和多家銀行辦理貸款業務往來,對企業經 營者財務人員是一大負擔,且容易出錯,所以公司為籌措資金,會尋找一家往來密切之金融機構代為統籌辦理聯合貸款。為何需要辦理聯合貸款,係因公司所需資金週轉需求,由主辦銀行聯合多家同業來參與並提供公司所需資金,供其公司支應短期營運週轉金,暨充實中期營運週轉金之使用,屆期以營業收入償還。因此參與聯合貸款之銀行風險相對可分散,利潤及手續費之收入相對可觀,所以銀行辦理聯合貸款業務是相當有趣的研究議題;並且借款之企業是經過銀行同業嚴格之審核,請申請貸款流程和一般企業貸款相同,加上貸款時間約在3~5年間,所以探究主辦行和參與行如何有效的維持與企業經營者貸款之經營策略,是本研究的主要動機。 本研究探討發現C 銀行的聯合貸款流程和一般企業貸款流程相當,惟因聯合貸款參與之金融同業較多,每家參與之金融機構申請審核時間不定,以致聯合貸款業務從洽談到邀約金融同業參與,到全部完成,所須審核時間需3~4個月。為保障貸款人企業權益,在同業聯合貸款機構申請核准後,還需各家金融同業針對聯合貸款案之合約書各項條文審慎核閱,將貸款條件、時間、金額、違約條款、手續費收入等詳細條約清楚列出。 本研究者建議銀行在此申貸程序中可以再加強借款戶之徵信、提供各項擔保品審查,及公共工程單位、大企業工程等之查驗,藉以避免申貸戶是以假合約的方式來進行申貸而造成銀行方面有潛在的重大損失與風險。


Currently, enterprises’ demand for capital is largely increasing. Enterprises would apply for the loan from several banks, which is a big burden to the financial staff and easily making mistakes. Therefore, to raise the demanded capital, enterprises may entrust one corporative bank as leading bank to complete the process of syndicated loan. The reason why enterprises need syndicated loan is that the enterprise entrusts a leading bank to supply the needed capital together with other participating banks to meet the capital requirement running their business in the short term and gets sufficient fund in the mid-term and will repay the loan by business revenue before deadline. By this way, the risk could be shared relatively by several participating banks and the income of profit and service charge is comparatively considerable. Therefore, it is an interesting research on syndicated loan for banks. And the borrowing enterprise is strictly examined and checked by other banks. The process of applying for syndicated loan is the same as a common loan. Normally a syndicated loan term is between 3 to 5 years. Hence it is the motivation to research the business strategy how the leading bank cooperating with all the participating banks operate and complete a syndicated loan efficiently. This research discovers that the process of syndicated loan leaded by Bank C is just the same process as the case of enterprises loan. The merely difference is more banks involved in syndicated loan. The examining period of individual bank involved is different, it may take 3-4 months to complete the required process of a syndicated loan from initiating the discussion with the borrowing enterprise to calling upon other banks for participation. To protect the right of the lending party, after the appeal for syndicated loan is approved, all the participating banks need to examine and check the contract document cautiously and each items should be clearly listed, such as: loan condition, period, amount, violation penalties, and service charge etc. The researcher suggests that the banks involved should strengthen the process of examining the loaner’s credit and collateral and inspecting the public construction enterprises and constructions of big enterprise in order to avoid the risk of great loss caused by a forgery.


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