  • 學位論文


A Study on Consumers’ Intention to Bank Loans

指導教授 : 張勝雄


論文名稱:消費者信用意願之研究 頁數:44 校系(所)組別:淡江大學國際企業學系國際行銷碩士在職專班 畢業時間及提要別:107學年度第二學期碩士學位論文提要 研究生:陳振泰 指導教授:張勝雄 博士 論文提要內容: 最近幾十年來,由於國內對於銀行業管制的慢慢開放,以及有愈來愈多的大眾傳播媒體像是電視上的廣告,報紙上的廣告等等都打動消費者對於銀行個人信用貸款的申貸意願。如果研究其背後的原因,由於大部分的人手上薪水有限,因此有人會朝向銀行貸款來支付一些大型的款項,像是車子的貸款或是房子的貸款等等。或是有人有週轉的需求。有鑑於此,有愈來愈多的銀行開始願意而且朝向放款給消費者的方向。因此,本研究擬實際研究消費者向銀行申請貸款的意願。本研究將進行文獻探討,同時也將在台灣地區進行實證分析,也就是質性研究。本研究採用質性研究訪談的方式。最後,本研究將提供結論給業界的先進參考,同時在論文的最後研究者將說明敘述研究限制。 關鍵字:消費者;銀行業;台灣;信用貸款


消費者 銀行業 台灣 信用貸款


Title of Thesis:A Study on Consumers’ Intention to Bank Loans Total pages:44 Key word:Consumers, Banks, Taiwan, Bank loans Name of Institute:Master’s Program in International Business, Tamkang University Graduate date:July, 2019 Degree conferred:Master Name of student:Chen Cheng-Tai Advisor:Sheng-Hsiung Chang (陳振泰) (張勝雄 博士) Abstract: In the last few decades, the de-regulation of the banking industry in Taiwan has brought strong influences in our daily life. For example, more and more advertisements are broadcasting on TVs and newspapers every day, which stimulate consumers’ intention to purchase more material and luxury things, especially expensive things like fancy cars or mortgages. Based on this, more and more banks are focusing on this area, and willing to make loans to consumers. Thus, this thesis aims to study the consumers’ intentions to bank loans. Specifically, a literature review was discussed. This thesis also conducted empirical study via qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews. As last, conclusions were given along with research limitations.


Consumers Banks Taiwan Bank loans


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