  • 學位論文


Smart Logistics of New Chain Retails -The case of S Company

指導教授 : 林江峰


目前台灣大環境的整體經濟對連鎖零售通路以及其物流作業的經營成效有大的影響壓力,雖臺灣在物流操作上的發展有一定的成果和獨到優勢,若企業物流採取一成不變的模式,將不能符合當地消費者的考驗。不過能將此內、外環境因素納入物流經營管理考量,一定能提升企業之競爭力。 自動化與智能化在物流上的應用,不容易在其相關商品的利潤上被合理化,為了能有穩定輸出的物流服務,連鎖零售通路要把成本效能放大,並不是減少成本的支出。企業內策略是競爭的關鍵,在連鎖零售通路的物流作業藉由本研究所運用的分析模式可以擬訂相關的經營策略,針對不同的市場區隔做出最完善的市場布局計畫與經營方針。


The purpose of this study is to understand how the whole economic environment in Taiwan impacts the retail chains and their logistics operation. Though the development of Taiwan’s logistics’ operation is having certain level achievement and advantage, the growing demand of consumers would not be satisfied if the corporate’s logistics operation remained without change. The competent of corporate surely can be increased as long as environment factors be taken into management consideration. The application of automation and autonomous intelligent on logistics is barely rationalized in related with the profit of goods. To have stable logistics operation, retails cannot only reduce the cost but also maximize the cost efficiency. The critical key of competitive strategy is the assessment on inner competition in corporate. Laying out the related strategy by using the analysis model of this study, business would have great of marketing blueprint and operation direction based on different channels.


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