  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Multimedia Interactive Teaching Material Effects on Dyslxia Students Memorizing Vocabulary Words in Junior High

指導教授 : 曾聖翔


論文提要內容: 本行動研究旨在探討資源班教師應用多媒體互動教材對提升國中資源班閱讀困難學生背誦英文單字成效與實施過程。研究對象為三位就讀國中二年級的閱讀困難學生,研究方法為質性研究中的個案研究法,並透過教師反思、課堂觀察、學生訪談,了解閱讀困難學生在使用多媒體教材後英文學習的改變情形。綜合分析結果,歸納出以下結論: 一、學習英文的過程中,必須累積足夠的單字量,才能建立基本功,而閱讀困難學生本身的學習困難點與現有教科書呈現的編排模式,皆讓閱讀困難學生無法有效提升英文能力。閱讀困難學生在訊息處理上,有轉錄的困難,必須仰賴適時的提示。 二、多媒體互動教材,讓學生可隨時點選聽取正確發音,並且搭配淺顯易懂的圖片與動畫,幫助學生在記憶單字上,聯想出單字的發音與字義。 三、三位閱讀困難學生在使用多媒體教材的過程中,研究者觀察出,教師適時給予適當的教學策略,搭配多媒體互動教材則更加能夠幫助學生熟記英文單字。 四、多媒體教材能夠幫助閱讀困難學生背誦英文單字、並且提升學生學習意願、增加閱讀困難學生的自信心,教師也能輔以教學法搭配多媒體教材給予閱讀困難學生更多的學習幫助。


Abstract: The purpose of this action research is to explore the application of multimedia interactive materials by resource class teachers to improve the effectiveness and implementation process of vocabulary recitation of English words by dyslexia students in resource classes in junior high schools. The research object is three dyslexic students in the second grade of junior high school. The research method is the case study method in qualitative research. Through teacher reflection, classroom observation, and student interviews, we can understand the changes in English learning after the use of multimedia teaching materials situation. Comprehensive analysis of the results, summed up the following conclusions: 1.In the process of learning English, sufficient vocabulary must be accumulated to build basic skills. The learning difficulties of the dyslexic students and the layout mode presented by the existing textbooks can not effectively improve the English ability of dyslexic students. Students with dyslexia have difficulty in transcribing information and must rely on timely prompts. 2.Multi-media interactive teaching materials, so that students can click to listen to the correct pronunciation at any time, and with easy-to-understand pictures and animations, to help students recall the pronunciation and meaning of the words on the memory words 3. In the process of using multimedia teaching materials for three dyslexic students, researchers have observed that teachers give appropriate teaching strategies at the right time, and the use of multimedia interactive teaching materials can help students memorize English words better. 4. Multimedia textbooks can help dyslexic students to recite English words, increase students' willingness to learn, and increase the self-confidence of dyslexic students. Teachers can also supplement teaching methods with multimedia textbooks to help dyslexic students learn more.


