  • 期刊


Effects of Integrating Vocabulary Pre-teaching Activities into Computer-assisted Repeated Reading on Oral Reading Fluency and Perceived Difficult Words of Sixth Graders in Taiwan


實證研究文獻顯示,母語學習者可透過Read Naturally電腦輔助重複閱讀軟體有效提昇其口語朗讀流暢度(Gibson, 2009; Gibson, Cartledge, &Keyes, 2011; Keyes, 2010)。然而目前相關文獻數量不多,且實驗對象多為母語學習者。Rasinski and Padak(2008)認為口語朗讀流暢度之教學亦應涵蓋“精確度”。再者,課前單字教學長久以來被視為有效之單字學習策略,可帶領學習者進行閱讀(Nation, 2009)。因此,本研究整合課前單字教學活動於電腦輔助重複閱讀練習中,以提升台灣國小六年級學生之口語朗讀流暢度、降低困難字、及增進閱讀理解之成效.本研究對象為台灣中部一所國小六年級之兩個班級。本研究採用"Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills"("DIBELS", Good&Kaminski, 2007)作為前測及後測,以測量學童們在實驗前後口語閱讀流暢度之變化.實驗週期為五週,其間學童練習Read Naturally中五個字母拼讀系列之讀本,並使用該軟體所提供之學習行為紀錄以監控學童在每個讀本所點選的困難字及閱讀理解表現。研究結果顯示,課前單字教學活動之進行對於學童口語朗讀流暢度之提升有顯著效果。同時,與首次閱讀五個讀本相比,課前單字教學活動明顯降低學生在練習後點選困難字之數量;閱讀理解也自然而然地增進。


Empirical studies, though limited and conducted in an L1 context, have endeavored to show that the "Read Naturally" software edition fluency intervention program is effective in increasing L1 learners' reading fluency (Gibson, 2009; Gibson, Cartledge, & Keyes, 2011; Keyes, 2010). According to Rasinski and Padak (2008), the effectiveness of reading fluency instruction should also include the "accuracy" component. On the other hand, vocabulary pre-teaching has constantly been shown to be an effective strategy for bringing the learner to the reading task (Nation, 2009). This study thus aims to examine the effects of integrating vocabulary pre-teaching activities into computer-assisted repeated reading toward the objective of enhancing oral reading fluency, decoding accuracy and reading comprehension of sixth graders in Taiwan. The participants of this study were two intact classes of six graders from an elementary school in central Taiwan. They were given the "Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills" ("DIBELS") as the pretest and the posttest to measure their oral fluency development (Good & Kaminski, 2007). Five "Read Naturally" phonics series grade-level passages were practiced over a five week period. Learning logs were used to monitor the participants' perceived difficult words and their reading comprehension. The results showed that the vocabulary pre-teaching activities were significantly effective in improving the participants' oral reading fluency. Additionally, the vocabulary pre-teaching activities had positive impact in reducing the number of difficult words the participants encountered during the first time they read the five selected target stories; the side effect was increased reading comprehension.
