  • 學位論文


Economic evolution and flexible diplomacy of Taiwan in the last half-century: 1971-2020

指導教授 : 陳小雀


台灣在世界經濟體系下扮演重要角色,也是在亞太地緣政治占據重要地位。台灣自1971年退出聯合國之後,儘管外交上受挫,但在其他方面表現亮眼。半世紀以來,台灣受到國際貿易自由化的影響,經濟順勢蓬勃發展。 回顧歷史,在經濟上採取自由政策的國家走向繁榮,而限制自由貿易的國家則受到衝擊。台灣即為一個典型例子。走過20世紀中葉的「內需」發展模式,台灣選擇180度的反向策略,進而使其躋身於全球最繁榮的國家之一。亦即,儘管台灣是一個自然資源匱乏的彈丸之地,並經歷第二次世界大戰的摧殘,但台灣走出戰後的蕭條,以及1971年以降的外交重大挫敗,僅以半世紀時間,人均收入增加逾五倍,人口則增加兩倍。 本研究論文旨在探究台灣近半世紀以來的發展,著墨於經濟發展演變,以及為目突破外交困境所採取的彈性外交,並擴及其他促成經濟發展的因素。


Taiwan has established itself as one of the cornerstones of the international economic landscape as it is also a strategic enclave in Asia Pacific. This, coupled with the rise of Taiwanese independence, makes Taiwan's economic evolution an important issue over the past twenty years. Despite important clashes in the diplomatic field, this has not prevented Taiwan's economic growth because of the positive effects of international trade liberalization. The historical reality is conclusive: those nations that adopt free exchange systems with other countries thrive, while those that restrict it are clearly harmed by this fact. A paradigmatic example of compliance with this principle is that of Taiwan. Thus, in the face of the “inward” development model prevailing in the first half of the twentieth century, the country chose to take a 180º turn that would allow it to be among the most prosperous nations on the planet. In this way, despite being a small island with scarce natural resources and being in a deplorable situation after World War II, Taiwan managed to quintuple income per capita in less than the last half-century while doubling its population. The main purpose of the research is related to both diplomatic and economic factors that have led Taiwan to its growth for over half a century, given that ideological factors are involved, I consider it important to understand and analyze the thinking of this population.


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