  • 學位論文


Environment Monitoring System for Smart Agriculture

指導教授 : 林其誼


近年來物聯網技術蓬勃發展,如今已跨足各項產業當中,以現行產業生產模式為基礎並結合物聯網技術使其更具有便利性。以智慧農業為例,為了即時掌握農作物生長環境以及過往生長紀錄等資訊,常見的做法是在栽種地點或農作物裝設環境感測器,以及感測節點鄰近區域裝設路由器提供Wi-Fi,感測數據透過連上Wi-Fi的開發板上傳至資料庫,並開發使用者介面串接資料庫展示數據。 然而,若栽種面積寬廣時,位於路由器訊號範圍之外的感測節點將無法傳輸數據,或是感測節點數量眾多時,導致路由器無法負荷。對於以上兩種問題情境,增設路由器雖然可以解決不敷使用的情況,但也意味著部署成本隨之增加。 為了維持現有的路由器數量與確保傳輸過程完整性及效率,在本論文中,我們提出了Wi-Fi Mesh網路架構技術與溫溼度感測器結合的環境監測系統。在此架構裡的感測器得以相互溝通,位於路由器訊號範圍外的感測節點透過中繼傳輸方式將資料傳輸至鄰近節點,再由鄰近節點逐步地傳遞至位於訊號範圍內的閘道器進行整合運算。統整後的資料經由MQTT通訊協定發布至代理人伺服器,並開發使用者介面訂閱代理人伺服器中相應的主題即時展示感測數據。同時,將數據傳送給MongoDB資料庫存放,繪製曲線圖與歷史資料表,提供使用者觀測先前生長環境數據。除了觀測數據功能之外,本系統添加了建議與警示功能,讓使用者針對農作物設定理想的生長環境溫度與濕度,與即時數據比對後顯示提示字樣協助環境調控。


物聯網 Wi-Fi Mesh MQTT MongoDB


In recent years, the Internet of Things technology has developed rapidly, and now it has been integrated into various industries. It is based on the current industrial production model and combined with IoT technology to make it convenient. Taking smart agriculture as an example, in order to instantly acquire the environmental data and past growth records of crops, a common solution is to deploy environmental sensors at planting site or crops, and to deploy routers near the sensing nodes to provide network access. The sensing data is uploaded to the database through the development boards, and a web server is responsible for connecting to the database by which users can browse the sensing data through a web interface. However, if the planting area is relatively wide, the sensing nodes located outside the signal coverage of the router will not be able to transmit data. It is also possible that when the number of sensing nodes is too large, the router will be overloaded. For the above two scenarios, adding another router can solve the problem, but it also means that the cost of deployment will increase. In order to save the cost of deploying extra routers while keeping the capability of data transmission from remote sensors, we propose an environmental monitoring system based on the Wi-Fi mesh network architecture. For those sensing nodes outside the signal coverage of the router, their data is transmitted to the neighbor nodes which act as relays. With the help of neighbor nodes, the data can be forwarded to the gateway through the mesh network. After aggregating data from various sensors, the gateway uses the MQTT protocol to publish data to the MQTT broker, from where data is further pushed to the web server who acts as the MQTT subscriber. Therefore, users are able to view the real-time data through the graphical user interface. At the same time, the data is transmitted to the MongoDB database for storage, which is then used for plotting the line chart of historical data. In addition to the above data observation feature, our system allows the users to set the temperature and humidity thresholds for the ideal cultivation environment. Whenever the real-time temperature or humidity value is out of the threshold, the graphical user interface will show a warning message and provide a suggestion to the user of how to adjust the environmental control.


Internet of Things Wi-Fi Mesh MQTT MongoDB


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