  • 學位論文


An Action Research on Applying Focused Conversation Method in Picture Book Teaching to Improve Elementary School Students’ Oral Expression Skills

指導教授 : 張月霞


本研究在探討繪本教學應用焦點討論法提升國小低年級口語表達能力,採用行動研究法,以二年級之30位學生為研究參與對象,為期四個月共十六節課之行動研究課程。課程主題為「改變從我開始」,以《我不知道我是誰》和《是蝸年開始的》二本繪本為教學媒材,經由觀課影片、協同教師觀課紀錄、研究者教師省思札記、學生訪談、學習單、口語表達表現能力評分表之前後測資料進行資料蒐集,經由分析與歸納提出研究結論如下: 一、繪本教學應用焦點討論法於口語表達課程之歷程可經由「暖身活動」、「發展活動」及「總結活動」三階段實施進行。 二、實施課程遭遇重述故事內容過於片斷及學生聆聽專注度降低等五項困難,並提出相對應之解決策略。 三、繪本教學應用焦點討論法對學生的口語表達是有助益。 研究者基於上述研究結果提出以下四點建議,以提供未來教師及相關研究之參考: 一、繪本教學可應用焦點討論法,有助於提升學生口語表達能力。 二、對口語表達能力低成就學生給予彈性時間回應。 三、結合數位工具記錄學習軌跡。 四、發展符合各學習階段的口語表達評量工具。


This study explores the action research of applying focused conversation method in picture book teaching to improve elementary school students’ oral expression skills. This study adopted the action research method with 30 second-grade students as the research subjects. The action research lasted for four months consisting of 16 courses. The curriculum was designed based on the theme of “Change starts with me” using two picture books “You’re a Hero, Daley B!” and “Snail started it!” as teaching materials. The collected data included lesson observation videos, collaborative teacher observation records, teacher reflection notes, student interviews, work sheets and before-and-after tests using “student verbal expression ability evaluation chart”. After the above data analysis and discussion, the study has reached the following conclusions: 1. The course of applying focused conversation method in picture book teaching can be implemented through three parts: warm-up activities, active learning activities and wrap-up activities. 2. The implementation through applying focused conversation method in picture book teaching encountered five problems, for example retelling the story is often incomplete and the students’ concentrations are hard to maintain and proposed corresponding solutions. 3. Applying focused conversation method in picture book teaching is helpful to improve elementary school students’ oral expression skills. The results could provide suggestions for teachers and researchers who implement related courses in the future. 1. Through applying focused conversation method in picture book teaching can improve students’ oral expression skills. 2. Provide students of low achievement with wait time to answer the question and responses. 3. Combine digital tools tracking students’ learning process. 4. Develop rubics for evaluating different stages of oral expression skills.


國教教育研究院 (2014)。十二年國民基本教育課程綱要。取自
