  • 學位論文


From Tachen to Taiwan-A Case Study of the New Immigrants in the 1950s

指導教授 : 張素玢


國共戰爭後期,國府退守台灣,但國共戰爭並沒有因此而結束,國府在浙東沿海和閩東沿海外仍保有許多「外島」。外島的功用在牽制共軍,阻礙中共在東南沿海一帶的發展。位於台州列島上的大陳島,為浙東沿海外島的中心據點。1953年韓戰結束後,中共將兵力集中於閩浙沿海,共軍於1954年起開始猛烈攻擊外島,1955年1月攻下「一江山」島,使大陳島岌岌可危,隨時可能被共軍攻陷。   當台海危機一觸即發時,美國方面建議國府放棄大陳,將軍力集中於台灣、澎湖,美國願意協助國府,進行「大陳撤退」的任務,命名為「金剛計畫」,由國軍與美國第七艦隊共同實施。金剛計畫在1955年2月7日開始,於2月12日順利完成,成功將浙東沿海外島的軍民物資,全體撤回台灣。一萬八千餘名的大陳居民,離開故鄉來到陌生的台灣,國府為感念大陳居民反共的義行,便稱其為「大陳義胞」。     國府為了照顧大陳義胞,特別成立「大陳地區來台義胞就業輔導委員會」來進行安置。政府在全台十二個縣市,興建了三十五個大陳新村,提供大陳義胞居住。同時以農、漁、工、商等職業,分別輔導義胞就業,希望義胞能夠在台灣落地生根。但政府的輔導措施,在很多方面都無法兼顧,導至大陳義胞的生活面臨困境,為了養家活口,大部份的人都再次離鄉背景,離開政府所安排的大陳新村,到外地去工作、跑船。本文將從大陳撤退開始,金剛計畫的進行,以及大陳人來台後,政府輔導措施的進行,輔導成效的優劣,進行探討。並將大陳人在台灣所遭遇到的困境,應對的方式和社會適應做一說明,進一步瞭解大陳人在台灣的生活情形,以期讓大陳人從故鄉到台灣的過程與經歷,能完整的呈現出來。


At the later part of civil war between Nationalist and Communist, the Nationalist Government retreated to Taiwan, but the civil war did not end for it. Nationalist still held quite some off-shore island along the east cost of Chejiang and Fukien, which were used to attract the communist forces and to retard the development of Communist China along coastal area of South East China. Tachen Island, one of Taizhou Archipelago is a critical point at the offshore of eastern Chejiang. After the end of Korean War in 1953, Communist China concentrated forces at the coastal area of Chejiang and Fukien, and they started attacking off shore island in 1954 and in January, 1955, they took Yi Jiang Shan Island and exposed Tachen Island to the open fire of Communist China, who could take it anytime.   When the crisis in Taiwan Strait was at brink of volcano, US suggested the Nationalist to give up Tachen Island and concentrate forces in Taiwan and Penghu, where US would help Nationalist in retracting military and civilians to Taiwan and it was named as King Kong Project. It was conducted jointly by Nationalist forces and 7th Fleet of US. King Kong Project commenced on Feb. 7 and completed on Feb. 12, 1955 soundly, and the civilians, armed forces and their belongings and equipment were successfully removed to Taiwan. Civilians, in total number of 18,000 odd, Tachenians (Tachen people) left their home island and arrived at Taiwan, a place of total stranger to them. The Nationalist Government called them Loyal Tachenians to commemorate their loyalty to Nationalist and defied communist   For taking care of their livings, Nationalist Government established Employment Assistance Council for Loyal Citizens from Tachen Area” for their settlement. The government also built 35 Tachenian settlements all over Taiwan in every jurisdiction. At the same time, jobs in agriculture, fishing, industrial and commerce were offered for them to let them settled and rooted in Taiwan. But the policies and measures of the government did not work well in every aspect and they were in miseries, and for raising family, most of them were forced or lured to left the Tachen settlements arranged by the government to find jobs, such as sailors. This paper will study, beginning from the retreat of Tachen, the proceeding of King Kong Project, the Guidance Measure of the government after Tachenians are migrated into Taiwan as well the success and failure of such settlement measures. The miseries of Tachenians in Taiwan ought to be exposed to the public, so that the history and the process of migration may be presented to the public in its full features.




