  • 學位論文

網絡關係演化與組織結構發展之關聯性研究 以台灣紡織業為例

A Study on the Association between Development of Organizational Structure and Evolution of Network – Cases of Taiwan's Textile Firms

指導教授 : 陳海鳴


企業要能達成永續經營的目標,則其經營模式必須要隨著環境、時局的變化而有所改變。本文將企業發展定義為企業內部的組織結構成長與外部的網絡關係轉變,並從這兩者互相影響改變的過程,探討企業是如何隨著環境的轉變而進行自身的發展。本文以三家歷史悠久的台灣紡織公司為研究對象,藉由探討三家公司成立至今的組織結構與網絡關係轉變歷史,以瞭解三家紡織公司是如何隨著環境的變化而進行企業發展。 本文之研究發現,當企業之環境敏感度高時,企業會採行組織結構變動的方式來進行企業的發展。反之,當企業之環境敏感度低時,企業發展則常常是來自於網絡關係所帶來的壓力。而不論是主動與被動的企業發展,組織結構與網絡關係的變動過程都是一串複雜的連鎖變動。因此本文有以下之看法: 一、企業除了核心部門外,其他部門的運作應維持彈性。 二、企業的發展不應維繫在少數的網絡關係上。 三、公司應將網絡關係內部化管理,並視其為企業的無形資產。 四、企業應隨時做好改變的準備,因為環境的變動是不可預期的。


It needs to upgrade with the time and change fitting the environment for a long-term survivor enterprise. This thesis defined the business development as the internal development of organizational structure and external change of network relationship, and discussed how it evolved with environment changing. Three textile companies have chosen as the research objects since they have been around through different times. We want to know how they were able to cope with the changing environment. We found that when a company was sensitive to the environment, its organizational structure changed following to the change of environment. On the other hand, when a company was not sensitive to the environment, its business development followed the changes of network relationship. Regardless whether the business development is aggressive or passive, the development is constitutes of a set of complicate chain actions. As research result, four suggestions as follows: z Enterprise operations should retain its flexibility other than the core department. z Enterprise development should not be limited to a few network relationships. z Enterprise should internalize network relations and value it as intangible assets. z Enterprise should be prepared for changes to fit the unpredictable environment.


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