  • 學位論文


Belgium's Divergent Society and the Change of its Political System (1993-2004)

指導教授 : 蔡政文


比利時於1830年建國,是一個種族、文化分歧度非常高的國家,其社會結構是多元分歧且異質性的,各主要政黨亦反映了比利時各族群與團體的特殊性,在這樣多元分歧的社會結構下,政黨競爭受到制度的制約,政治菁英在妥協中尋求共識以維持國家的穩定。以往佔人口少數的法語區瓦隆尼人統治及壓迫多數人口的荷語區法蘭德人,然而物換星移,法蘭德人取得政治與經濟上的優勢後,並沒有將昔日所受到的苦難重新加諸於瓦隆尼人,反而聯手透過制度的設計將行政權力的大餅一分為二,共同分享權力。因此族群若能摒除歧見,繼續維持合作的關係,則政治就能達到相對穩定的境界。 在學者李帕特的眼中,西歐的比利時透過某種政治制度的安排,在的多元的社會結構中有著政治上的平衡與穩定。而政治體制的安排攸關著國家資源的分配,而國家資源的妥善分配是各族群和諧首要因素。比利時政治菁英們透過修憲的手段,保障各族群擁有充分的自治權。比國從原有實行單一體制的國家,開始轉向聯邦體制成為一個獨特的聯邦國家。比國聯邦制度之獨特處乃在於其由聯邦政府;三大社群:荷語、法語、德語;三大地區:法蘭德地區、瓦隆尼地區及首都布魯塞爾特區為主體而形成的政治制度。不論是聯邦、社群或地區政府皆有本身的立法機構並握有充份的自主權。 本研究在探討比利時政治社會,並呈現比國族群與政治體制的種種問題,配合政治社會學、政黨理論及李帕特之民主模型三種途徑來分析族群、社會及政治三者間的互動關係及比利時政治體制的改革與執行。比國從單一國家演化成聯邦國家,並創設出整合不同族群的新國家模式,這樣的解決方案能被引用到一個正面的方向,善意且謹慎地增進彼此的政治合作。本文各章節如下: 第一章 緒論 第二章 社會分歧及其背景因素 第三章 國家體制與政治體制的發展 第四章 解決社會多元族群的政治安排及技術 第五章 1993年後之選舉 第六章 評估及展望 第七章 結論


Belgium, established in 1830, is a plural and divergent society in politics, religion and culture aspects. Due to the geographical and historical reasons, the conflicts existed between the Dutch-speaking Flemish and the French-speaking Walloons. Therefore, the political elites launched into a series of political reforms to devolve equal political resources to each ethnic group. The unique federal system of Belgium since 1993 has transformed into three governances: federal government, the communities, and the regions. The complicated arrangement is that each government has its own legislative and executive body. Belgium has become officially a federal country which comprise three individual communities: Flemish, French and German, three different regions: Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels-Capital, and four linguistic areas: Dutch, French, German, and bi-lingua Brussels. As Arend Lijphart indicated, Belgium represents an outstanding system of consociational democracy, especially in dealing with language and ethnic issues. The author attempts to focus this thesis on political arrangements, analyzing the interactions between two major ethic groups after 1993 in the chapter 4 and 5. By the major approach of historical and secondary literature analysis, coupled with the perspective of political-sociology, party system and the consociational democracy model of Lijphart, the thesis is divided into seven chapters and the structure is as follows: 1. Introduction 2. The factors of social divergences 3. Development of federal and political system 4. The political arrangements and methods for plural ethnic issues 5. Elections since 1993 6. Examination and perspectives 7. Conclusion


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吳忻宇(2006)。歐洲聯盟在以巴衝突中的政策立場與作為: 1990-2005〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2006.00184
