  • 學位論文


Online bookstore's effects on the bookstore industry of Japan

指導教授 : 任燿廷


首先本論文內容旨在將日本出版產業從上游(出版社)、中游(中盤商),到下游(書店)以「日本總務省統計局」所做之「日本標準產業分類」一一加以劃分。並對上、中、下游產業的整體環境及三者間的交易型態做簡單介紹。 接著以麥可波特的五力分析,研究原本實體書店產業結構內的五種基本作用力之運作,以求窺知實體書店產業的全貌。 再來對於網路書店興起之背景做一說明,再套用前面所分析之結果,用以了解網路書店對既有產業環境(法律、議價能力、替代品……)帶來何種衝擊與影響。由此可知,網路書店促使僵化的制度加速改革;並使競爭者、競爭手法變得多元化,讓讀者能更加快速獲取想要的商品;此外亦讓上中下游產業皆致力使整個產業基礎更形完善。 最後,隨之而起的替代品---隨選列印也勢必將帶來更深且廣的衝擊。


First, this thesis aims to distinguish publisher from bookstore of Japan publishing industry by” Standard Industrial Classification for Japan” that’s made by “Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications”. Then it briefly introduces each one from the upstream to the downstream of the Japan publication industry, and also the transaction ways between them. Moreover, for an understanding of Japan bookstore industry in detail, this thesis researches what are the original operation of this industry by Michael Porter’s five forces analysis. In addition, explanations for the background of the online bookstore’s rise are given, too. And then, five forces analysis is also taken to study what impacts and influences online bookstore brings to an original industrial environment. Thus, online bookstore’s rise promotes the reform of the system so that competitors or competition methods develop in multiple ways and it becomes quicker for the readers to obtain what they want. In this way, the whole industry is dedicated to make the whole industry infrastructure more perfect. Finally, POD arising from the Internet will bring a deeper and wider influences in the future.


RPM electronic commerce online bookstore point card POD


林載爵、吳興文(1992)《行職業展望5 出版業》,台北:行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局。
The Booksellers Association http://www.booksellers.org.uk
