  • 學位論文


The Interactions and Effects Between Cross-strait Policy Changes and Port Performance-Kaohsiung Port as an Example

指導教授 : 張五岳


兩岸關係在八十年代之前、九十年代之中與兩千年之後呈現三種不同趨勢,國際情勢也從冷戰對峙、共黨國家轉型到經濟全球化捲席而來,就在全球歡慶經濟榮景之時,台灣經濟重要指標的高雄港卻彷彿經歷一段「失落的十年」,明顯遲緩的成長力道導致世界排名逐步下降,同時間中國沿海港口卻以上海港為首,集體快速躍升,為東亞主要港口帶來龐大壓力,也與高雄港的沒落形成強烈對比。何以至此?高雄港與兩岸關係有何關係? 本文希望透過檢視兩岸政策制度性變遷,觀察作為兩岸競爭最前緣高雄港之經濟表現,以發現兩者間之互動關係與影響歷程,從而得自微觀層次之港口表現中,反向形塑出宏觀層次兩岸關係之本質所在。 本文首先以新制度主義整合性框架,嘗試為兩岸關係理論提供上下貫穿、相互連動之分析架構。並藉由制度變遷週期理論,重新詮釋兩岸經貿制度演化中從均衡、失衡、到再均衡之不斷循環過程。本文企圖指出兩岸環境的結構鑲嵌、兩岸政策的制度變遷、以及兩岸港埠的策略選擇三者之間的理論關係,進而論證高雄港從第三代港埠邁向為第四代港埠的制度變遷路徑,終究不是一個單純的技術提升,而是無可避免地被決定於兩岸經貿制度的遊戲規則之中,進而被鑲嵌在兩岸關係演化的歷史系絡之內。


The cross-strait relationship presented three different trends before the 1980s, during the 1990s, and after the 2000 respectively. At the same time, the world also endured the impacts of cold-war confrontation, structural changes of former communist countries, and the huge tide of economic globalization. While most people celebrated the global prosperity, the performance of Kaohsiung Port, often seen as an important index of Taiwan’s economy, seemed to be experienced a “lost decade” in which its sluggish growth had led to a slide of global ranking. On the contrary, many Chinese coastal ports, headed by Shanghai, grew in a very high speed throughout history, bringing huge threatens to all other major ports in East Asia. Why this sharp contrast? What is behind the performance of Kaohsiung port and the cross-strait relationship? With the examination of institutional changes of Taiwanese cross-strait policies, this study shed light on the economic performance of Kaohsiung Port in order to describe the interactions and effects between the changes in a macro-level and the performance in a micro-level. The first intention of this study tries to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework for the research of cross-strait relationship through an integrated approach of new institutionalism. We interpret the evolutionary process of the cross-strait economic institutions by the theory of institutional change. The relations among structural embededness in environmental context, institutional changes in official policies, and strategic choices in port governance across the Strait are pointed out. This study further argues that the institutional changing path for Kaohsiung from a 3rd generation to a 4th generation port is not only a pure upgrade in technology, but an evolution that is inevitably determined by the game rules of cross-strait economic institutions and further embedded in the historical context of cross-strait relationship.




