  • 學位論文


Free Movement of Goods in European Unopn Common Market

指導教授 : 王泰銓


歐盟共同市場,是促進歐盟整合的主要動力之一,而參與共同市場的會員國們打破彼此之間經濟往來的藩籬,主要為達成內部貨物、人員、服務與資金之自由流通。其中,貨物自由流通更被形容是四大自由中的基石,所以本文主要探討歐體共同市場如何成功地廢除所有可能造成會員國間貿易障礙的過程,並且藉由歐洲法院在相關案例上作出的判決來了解存在於其間的困難。相較於其他歐盟整合領域,貨物自由流通在國內的相關學術研究較不常見,期藉由本論文之說明,能夠讓對此範疇有研究需要者,多一份參考的途徑。 本篇論文主要是採文獻分析法以及歷史研究法,大量彙整歐洲共同體對於貨物自由流通之相關文件以及分析對於相關議題之評述。本研究的內容架構共分為五章,敘述如下: 第一章 前言 說明本文的研究動機與目的、研究方法以及資料來源、研究範圍與架構以及相關文獻之來源與探討。 第二章 共同市場內關稅同盟之規範與實現 首要探討貨物自由流通起源與背景,銜接於歷史發展與背景的探討後,就進入關稅範疇之規範與實現的探討,除了關稅的廢除之外,內地稅也是本章節的重點之一。 第三章 廢除與數量限制具有同等效果之措施 本章主要在於探討非關稅形式中之數量限制以及具有同等效果之措施,並且加 以說明其發展之演變,以及歐體機構對於數量廢除之努力與成果。 第四章 數量限制與具有同等效果措施之例外情形 歐盟基於對於所有會員國之個別性與差異性之尊重,甚至為了某些文化維護或是社會福利的落實,歐體條約中也允許數量限制的例外情形。 第五章 結論 本章是對全文作出一歸納與總結,並且評估歐盟在貨物自由流通方面未來的發展走向與可能遇到的問題。


貨物 自由流通 共同市場 關稅 數量限制


Common market in European Union is one of the most important motivations to achieve European integration. The membership aim to break obstacles of the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital to organize one real common market. Above all, the free movement of goods is considered as the foundation of these four freedoms. The study focus on the process of stop different trade barriers, such as customs duties and quantitative restrictions on the import and export goods, and all other measures having equivalent effect. In additional, studying the related cases of European Court is important as well, through case study will offer us different and clear view of the topic. Comparing to other European integration areas, freedom of goods is not so popular at moment in Taiwan, therefore I hope the thesis can provide some help for related study. In term of research methodology, literature analysis and study of history are applied. The structures of this thesis are as follows: Chapter 1 is an outline delineating the motivation, objective, and scope of study, methodology and its limitations. Chapter 2 is devoted to analyzing the customs union tariff and custom union of European Union common market. In addition to explain how the membership eliminate customs duties, this chapter also define internal taxation, and compare these differences between customs duties and internal taxation. Chapter 3 emphasizes to explain main objective of free movement of goods, quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effects, meanwhile explain the development and challenge. Chapter 4 analyses the justifications for quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effects. In order to respect Member States’ different and specific, even their culture or social welfare , European Union in some conditions also allow state requirements or law can be pleaded by Member States. Chapter 5 summarizes and estimates the developments and difficult of freedom of goods in the future.


Peter Oliver, Free Movement of Goods in the European Community, London: Sweet and Maxwell Press, 1996.
John Fairhurst & Christopher Vincenzi, Law of The European Community, Oxford: Person Press, 2003.
Panos Koutrakos, “On groceries, alcohol and oliver oil: more on free movement of good after Keck”, European Law Review, vol.26, August 2001.


