  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 郭建中
共同指導教授 : 王泰銓


本文研究目的有二:一、分析中國政府為因應全球化與加入WTO後的局勢,其對外開放政策的調整方向、對外投資管理體制的改善措施及其所欲達成之戰略目標。二、研究中國企業對外投資之選擇行為(動機、主要產業、區位選擇等),並輔以SWOT分析中國企業對外投資之優劣勢及其面臨之機會與挑戰。 研究時間範圍以2000-2005年為主,研究對象界定在中國企業、中國主管企業對外投資部門;企業對外投資型態界定於對外直接投資,並以中國境外地區為研究地區範圍,文獻資料來自於中國期刊、法規、專書、碩博士論文等,研究方法採次級資料研究法、個案研究法,透過上述的研究分析,可望達成本文之研究目的。 研究發現: 一、中國“走出去”戰略的推出,乃是基於為因應全球化與加入WTO後對中國所帶來的衝擊,才提出的對外開放政策的兩面新平衡政策,即“引進來”與“走出去”兩面平衡對外開放政策。 二、中國政策上支持具有比較優勢的各類企業、能彌補中國國內自然資源不足的資源開發類項目、能吸取外國先進技術項目的企業進行對外投資。 三、商務部已把大部分對外設立企業核准權限下放至省級商務主管部門,除中央企業、中方投資額2億美元及以上資源開發類項目、中方投資用匯額5000萬美元及以上的大額用匯類項目、前往台灣投資的項目和前往未建交國家投資的項目等5大類,仍須經商務部核准外;其餘項目經省級主管部門或國家發展和改革委員會同意即可。 四、中國企業對外投資動機多是基於擴張型對外投資;其區位選擇以香港為主,產業以第三產業即商品服務業為主;國有企業、有限責任公司為投資主體,境內投資主體多來自於北京市、廣東省、浙江省、山東省、上海市等沿海省市。對外投資主要融資方式以利潤再投資、股本投資為主。 五、中國企業對外投資主要優勢在於中國政府政策的支持,其劣勢為欠缺國際化人才、發展資金不足、企業內部組織不適應國際環境等;根據調查,約有1/3的中國海外企業是虧損、1/3損益平衡、1/3獲利。


I. Purposes: I. To analyze and understand: 1. The situation after the China government has taken measures to become globalized and joined WTO 2. The required changes of direction for their open-door policy 3. Measures for improvement for the management system of foreign investment and the goals for strategy. II. From the official data of the China government, the motivation of the foreign investment of China enterprises, the strategies applied, the method for the choosing of the location are revealed. II. Methodology: The time of the research is set from the data within 2000 to 2005. The research subject has been focused on the China enterprises, or the department of foreign investment of them. The mode of the enterprises’ foreign investment mode is concentrated on direct foreign investment. The region of the research includes the outland area besides China, i.e. Hong Kong, Macau or even other foreign countries. The bibliography covers from Chinese journals, regulations, books, and dissertations. The methodology conducted for this research is second-hand data study and case study. The motivation of the study can be achieved through the method described as above. III. Results: 1. Confronting economic Globalization and regional economic integration, the China enterprises have to deal with many challenges, such as the Internalization of domestic market, and the domestication of international market. In order to solve the dilemma, the China government evolves two policies, “Walking Out” and “Inviting In” as the balanced two new principles on the foreign direct investment matters. 2. The China government supports those enterprises which are more competent, which invest in the natural resources that China is not abundant in, and which can attract foreign skills and techniques. 3. Ministry of Commerce has released most of the authority of the approval of the enterprises for foreign investment to its provincial subordinate units. Nevertheless, there are five categories needed to be approved by the Ministry of Commerce. The Five categories are as follows: 1. investment of the state-owned enterprises 2. investment of natural resources development, with the investment value up to two hundred million US dollars 3. investment in foreign exchange up to value fifty million US dollars 4. investment in Taiwan 5. investment with the countries which are not diplomatically tied with China. What should be notified is that the investments in U.S.A. and in Japan still require the approval of the Ministry of Commerce. 4. Most of the China foreign investment is motivated by the need of expansion of the enterprises. The main location is Hong Kong. The prominent industry is the third industry, i.e., the service industry. The subjects of the investment are state-owned enterprises and the limited corporations. The subjects of inbound investment are from littoral cities and areas: Guangzhou province, Zhejiang province, Shandong province, and Shanghai city. The finance for foreign investment comes from the reinvestment of the interest and investment of capital stock. 5. The advantage of China foreign investment is based on the support of the policies of China government; the disadvantages are the insufficiency of the employees with abundant international trade knowledge, insufficiency of capital, not being accommodated to foreign investment environment due to traditional system of the enterprise. According to a survey, one-third of the China enterprises are in debt, another one-third can just make both ends meet, and the other one-third are making profits.


Dunning.J.K. ,“Explaining the International Direct Investment Position of Countries:Toward a Dynamic or Developmental Approach in J.Black and J.K.Dunning(ends):International Capital Movement”,(London:Macmillan,1982)。
John H. Dunnin,“International Production and Multinational Enterprises”,(London:George Allen&Unwin,1981)。
P. J. Buckley,M. Casson,“The Future of the Multinational Enterprise”(London,Macmillan,1976)。
Vermon,“International Investment and International Trade in Product Cycle”,(Quarterly Journal of Economics,1966)。
Well,Louis T. Jr.,“The World Multinationals:The Rise of Foreign Investment from Developing Countries”,( MIT press,1983)。


