  • 學位論文


The Impact of IS Professional Skills and Career Anchors on the Supply and Demand of IS Personnel

指導教授 : 游佳萍


受到資訊科技高度發展的影響,企業組織對於資訊技術的仰賴日益增加,因此,資訊人員扮演的角色也越來越重要。一個值得討論的議題是,資管教育所培育出來的學生,是否滿足企業組織的需求。我們將以資管人員必備的專業技能,與他們期望的生涯錨類型,來探究此問題。目的如下:(1)資訊管理系所學生熟悉的技能,與資訊人員必備的技能,是否存在差異。(2)資訊管理系所學生與資訊人員的生涯錨分佈,是否有差異。 本研究回收樣本有236份來自資管系所的學生,另外103份則來自資訊從業人員。研究結果發現,在這十三項資訊人員必備的技能中,除了「辦公室自動化」之外,都有顯著的差異,尤其是「人際溝通技巧」。這表示產學界對資訊技能的重要性認知仍舊存在歧異。而學生與企業人士的生涯錨類型,分佈狀況大略一致,這代表資管系所的學生具備從事資訊產業的特質。另外,我們也引用了企管理論中的SWOT工具來分析問卷結果,並針對學生面臨的優勢與劣勢提出一些建議。最後,期望本研究的結果能作為政府與學校在規劃整體資訊管理學程的一個導引與參考。


資訊技能 生涯錨 人力供需


Owing to the development of information technology, organizations are now relying heavily on information technique. In another word, IS employees play important roles on critical business processes. Thus, it is an interesting issue to reveal the supply and demand of IS personnel. In this article, we focus on the essential skills and career anchors of IS personnel. The purposes of this research are to compare IS skills which IS practitioners might consider important with which IS students might familiar and to investigate diffirent career anchors between IS students and employees. We adopt questionnaires to collect 236 IS students and 103 IS employees. Our findings are: first, except Office Application, there are significant differences among thirteen requisite skills. Indeed, the SWOT analysis bring out the strength and weekness of the IS traning program. Second, students have the similary career anchors with employees. This evidence shows IS students have potential to join IS industry because they share the same vale and attidutes with the employment in the IS industry. Finally, some recommendations for design of IS curricula are offered to guide the government or academia.


IS skills Career anchor Human resources


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