  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effect of website Design on Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 李月華


網際網路的普及,改變了消費者購物的習慣,網路購物的便利性、資訊完整多樣性、無國界性、即時性,提供了消費者另一個購物或資料搜尋的通路。如何有效益的經營購物網站,提供符合消費者需求的產品、資訊、服務、使用介面以獲得市場佔有率及良好的績效是目前購物網站經營者最大的課題。本研究主要將探討購物網站設計對網路購物意願之影響,並深入探討,購物網站之網站設計中的資訊功能、交易功能、娛樂功能等因素,哪些將影響消費者的購物意願,以供有心永續經營購物網站之通路業者參考,並做為未來設計網站時之參考,以期滿足消費者之需求,進而引起購物意願。   本研究利用驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis)及多元迴歸分析(Regression Analysis)進行因素縮減及分析出各項網站設計因素對網路購買意願影響關係作分析,以找尋出顯著且相關的關係。分析樣本以回收有效問卷1,645份為基準。分析結果如下: 1. 教育程度越高者及所得越高者,越重視交易過程中個人資料的安全性及隱私性,對於交易過程中交易訊息回覆的即時性、互動性及便利性也較注重。青年人及已婚的人更容易對網站的版面配置、視覺刺激的規劃及呈現的風格產生好感。 2. 男性的購物意願相較於女性要高。青年的購買意願較高。教育程度在專科以下的人網路購買意願較高。可支配所得較高的人相較於可支配所得較低的人,網路購買意願較高。 3. 當網站增加資訊豐富度、即時性,改善網站資訊易懂性、正確性及一致性,具有網頁導覽、輔助功能,提升網站連結效率將使網站更容易使用、了解客戶品味提供客製化之產品或服務等將對網路購買意願有正向的影響。 4. 當網站加強交易時的資訊安全性、隱私性,並提高交易訊息回覆的即時性、互動性,改善網站交易的便利性,用來提升網站交易時的信任及方便性,對於網路購物意願有正向的影響。 5. 當網站加強編排的一致性及吸引人的呈現,並改善文字的大小、標題、顏色以達到網站一致化的呈現風格,對於網路購物意願有正向的影響。 關鍵字:網站設計、購物意願、驗證性因素分析、多元迴歸分析


With a growing popularity of the Internet, online shopping has dramatically changed the way customers used to shop for their needs. Basically, the website interface provides shoppers with an environment where they can search for the shopping information instantly, buy various goods globally, and pay for the transaction conveniently. All of these advantages contribute to a rapidly growing online shopping market. Therefore, it has become a big issue how to operate and maintain an online shopping store efficiently and effectively to meet customers’ changing needs. This research is aimed to examine what the primary factors are driving customers’ intention and behaviors of shopping. Another purpose of this research is for the reference of the current online store owner and those who want to start the business online in the future. They may take advantage of the result of this research to make a better website design, to satisfy shoppers’ needs more likely and to create a bigger customer market. This research utilizes Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis to minimize the number of potential contributing factors, then to find out the primary factors contributing to a successful shopping website. For the purpose of this research, a public and random survey was conducted. The analysis is based on the results of 1,645 effective surveys. The findings of this research are as follows: 1. Generally, the customers with higher income or higher education background tend to concern more about the safety of personal information and privacy during the online transactions. Also, they care more about whether the website is designed to be convenient, interactive and user-friendly. For those online shoppers who are younger or married, they focus more on the allocation of the website contents and the style of the website design. 2. Overall, male customers are more willing to shop online than females; younger customers have stronger interests in online shopping than older ones; people without college background tend to do more online shopping than those with college background and people having higher allocable income are more likely to buy goods online than those with lower allocable income. 3. There would be a positive effect on expanding the business if the online stores could make their websites more convenient, interesting, interactive, and user-friendly. Also, the ability to provide customized products would be a bonus to website owners. 4. It is important to build a safe and trustable shopping environment by assuring there would be no concern about the leak of privacy or personal information under any transaction process. 5. Customers usually prefer to visit the website with a consistency in its layout of the content, size of the word, and even color of the background. They think these would make a website more attractive. Keywords: Website Design, Purchase Intention, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis


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