  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Curriculum,Instruction and students’ Performance of One Independent Mid-School in Taipei County

指導教授 : 吳明清


本研究以一所安置違反兒少性交易防制條例之中輟女生的獨立式中途學校為研究對象,對個案學校所規劃的課程與教學的方式對安置學生的學習表現之影響,進行深入的探究,旨在尋求適合的課程規劃與教學實施,以建構安置學生良好學習與適應的條件、方法,發揮學校的最大效能。研究目的有四: 一、瞭解個案學校課程規劃之理念與過程。 二、瞭解個案學校教學實施之方式與內容。 三、瞭解個案學校學生安置期間之學習表現。 四、依據研究結果,提供結論與建議。 本研究採取個案研究法進行研究,研究資料的收集,以訪談為主,觀察和文件分析為輔。從研究發現中,獲得研究結論: 一、獨立式中途學校為中輟學生安置保護的最後一道防線。 二、獨立式中途學校的課程規劃理念以學生為中心。 三、獨立式中途學校的課程內涵兼具學能教育、輔導治療與技能訓練。 四、獨立式中途學校面臨學生特質、教學師資、課程規劃及教材編選等層面困境。 五、獨立式中途學校以讓學生獲得成就感與自信心為基礎。 六、 獨立式中途學校採取紙筆測驗評量、真實性評量及實作評量。 七、協助建立成就、能力感及感受被珍視的價值感,是獨立式中途學校的重要理念。 八、如何協助學生建立正確學習習慣是獨立式中途學校安置教學的重要指標。 九、獨立式中途學校安置學生初到校時雖然基本能力不佳,但整體表現令人讚賞。 最後,針對研究發現提出對法令與規章、人力與支援、組織與管理、課程與教學、安置與保護、效能與機制及後續研究之建議,作為參考。


中輟 中途學校 選替教育


This case study discussed the curriculum, and the instructional methods of one independent placement mid-school, used to improve the schoolwork of the dropout female teenagers who violated Legal Protection on Sexual Transaction. The four purposes of the thesis are as follows, 1. to understand the background and the process of the curriculum design. 2. to know the teaching methods as well as the materials that the teachers chose to teach those dropouts. 3. to examine the performance of those dropouts’ schoolwork in the mid-school. 4. to draw conclusions based on the investigations of the study and to offer some suggestions for future research on similar topics.. The data collection of this case study is mainly from interviews with related people, and also parts of it from observation on the dropouts and from some document analysis. Here are the conclusions of this study: 1. The independent mid-school is the final protective shelter for these dropouts. 2. The curriculum of the independent mid-school is student-centered. 3. The curriculum of the independent mid-school provides dropouts basic education, counseling, and vocational training. 4. The independent mid-school faces the predicaments of the students’ changeable characters, the lack of professional teachers, the appropriateness of the curriculum programs and the suitableness of the teaching materials. 5. Students’ obtainment of achievement and feelings of confidence are the two major goals of the independent mid-school. 6. The independent mid-school adopts pen-and-paper testing, real evaluation and hands-on evaluation. 7. Helping students establish self-actualization, self-assurance and self-preciousness is the important principle of the independent mid-school. 8. The most important index of a successful teaching in the independent mid-school is whether the teachers help students build up correct learning habits or not. 9. Although at the very beginning of the students’ settlement the conditions were not good, but at the end of the programs the progress of the students’ performance still won out. Finally, suggestions based on the conclusions will be given to the law and regulation making, the management of manpower and supporting, the organization and the management of the independent mid-school, the designing of curriculum and teaching, the placement and the protection of the dropouts, the functions and the effectiveness of the independent mid-school and also for the further research.


dropout mid-school alternative education


侯崇文(2001)。家庭結構、家庭關係與青少年偏差行為探討。應用心理學刊,11, 25-43。


