  • 學位論文


An Influence of Brand Identification and Community Engagement on Community Loyalty

指導教授 : 李月華


時代不斷的進步,人與人之間互動越來越頻繁,對群體關係的重視取代了個人不顧一切求取報酬的年代。隨著商業不斷加速的腳步,科技變遷也想當然爾不落人後的緊追在後,企業如何在千變萬化的環境中維持一定的獲利,需要品牌的加持。Algesheimer, Dholakia, & Herrmann(2005)定義社群參與為社群成員與其他成員合作、互動的內在動機。基於這樣的動機,更加強了企業經營品牌社群的決心,因而在社群發展中,針對社群成員彼此的互動、增加對社群的認同、創造社群忠誠,也顯然成為了一個重要的議題。 本研究進一步針對網路人際關係、品牌認同、社群認同、參與及社群忠誠度相關性進行研究,以使用Mac電腦的網站社群為研究對象,採當面發放問卷的方式進行研究,有效樣本180份;並以AMOS統計軟體進行資料分析及數據解讀。 本研究經過統計分析,實證結果發現網路人際互動關係對於品牌社群認同、社群參與有一定的影響,品牌認同影響著社群成員對該社群的認同,同時也對社群成員參與有正向的幫助,在社群成員參與及認同該社群的前提下,也對社群忠誠度產生了一定的助益,影響所及因此可聯繫到該社群的品牌商品,繼而增加企業的收益。 本研究證實對社群經營者而言,如何抓住社群成員的心,需透過營造和諧的互動關係,增加社群成員對社群的認同,自然而然會對社群的忠誠度產生一定的影響;對企業而言,創造一個良好的互動環境,使人們不斷聯繫著彼此的情感,討論彼此認同的事物,產生了對環境的忠誠,也就是對所屬群體、社群的忠誠,也會因此直接或間接的影響著品牌產品的銷售,創造企業獲利。


We are witnessing an age in which people interact with one another more frequently; the conception of community relationship has begun to substitute for individualistic entrepreneurism; and the acceleration of business transaction comes with technological advancement. How a company adapts itself to this changed milieu and maintains the rate of profit depends on the making of brand community. Algesheimer, Dholakia, & Herrmann (2005) define “Community Engagement” is the internal motivation of members when they cooperate, interact with other members. And this motivation propels a company into shaping its brand community. Henceforth, interaction among community members, the identification of a given community, and creation of community loyalty become those to which a company has to dedicate its utmost attention. The purpose of this research is to explore the correlation between interpersonal relationship within cyberspace, brand identification, community identification, community engagement, and community loyalty. The research is conducted with 180 questionnaires collected from users of Mac as members of this Mac community in the cyberspace. Moreover, the data thus collected is analyzed by AMOS statistical software. The findings of this research are as following: First, the correlation between interpersonal relationship in the cyberspace and community identification is positive. Second, interpersonal relationship in the cyberspace and community engagement is positive. Third, the correlation between brand identification and community identification is positive. Forth, the correlation between brand identification and community engagement is positive. Fifth, the correlation between community identification and community loyalty is positive. Finally, the correlation between community engagement and community loyalty is positive. As a leader of a company, creating a milieu in which customers could interact with one another easily and freely to discuss the product they identify with is important for the formation of community loyalty, which will influence sales volume of, and profit from, the product.


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