  • 學位論文


A Study of Terrorism Risk and Insurance

指導教授 : 高棟粱


關於恐怖主義行為之人為危險(man-made risk),過去並未引起保險相關產業重視,但因911事件始料未及之鉅額損失,對全球保險與再保險市場產生重大影響,例如承保與再保能量大幅緊縮、保費急遽上揚、財務嚴重受創、清償能力降低等。因此國際保險業者皆熱烈投入此議題之研究與探討;各國政府亦積極研擬相關方案,希冀將恐怖主義行為危險對國家各項產業與經濟發展之負面衝擊,降至最低。 本論文除就一般議題探討外,亦就學術理論基礎,分析與評估恐怖主義行為危險之可保性質及其危險模型架構。此外,針對各種危險移轉與抑制方式,例如變更承保條件、自留、專屬保險、再保險、共保組織、保險危險證券化方式或政府協助承擔等方式之運用及其優、缺點,亦一併研究討論。所謂「他山之石,可以攻錯」,雖然我國目前面臨恐怖攻擊事件威脅不高,但保險先進之歐美各國之現行防範措施,卻足供我國未來可以師法與借鏡之處。本文除主要闡述美國恐怖主義危險保險法案(TRIA)及其後之延長法案(TRIEA),亦探究英國Pool Re、法國GAREAT、德國Extremus-AG及西班牙CCS等政府支持之恐怖主義危險方案,及我國唯一之傷害保險恐怖主義行為保險共保組織之運作方式。最後,歸納本文所有論述之結果綜結,並就我國有關管理與抑制恐怖主義行為危險,提出適切建議。


Prior to the tragic attacks of September 11th 2001, the man-made risk like terrorism risk was certainly not regarded as the most costly disaster for the insurance industry. However, an entirely new loss dimension caused by the terrorist attacks had led to some negative impacts on the international insurance and reinsurance markets, such as the severe shrinkage of the insurance and reinsurance capacity, a sharp increase of premium, a big loss of financial revenue and the constraints of the solvency. As a result, the international insurers and reinsurers are eager to re-evaluate terrorism risk. At the same time, the governments of the most countries also try to work out the feasibly mitigation measures to cope with this extreme event. Besides the generally theoretical study of the act of terrorism, the paper presents the insurability of the terrorism risk associated with the current development of terrorism models. It also discusses how to well deal with the mega-terrorism risks by means of a variety of risk management options like the change of the insurance coverage, retention, captive, reinsurance, terrorism pool, insurance-linked securities or government’s assistance. Although the terrorism risk is not a threat to Taiwan at this stage, Taiwan might benefit from the valuable and successful experience of some government sponsored insurance programs depicted in the paper, for instance, TRIA & TRIEA for U.S.A., Pool Re for U.K., GAREAT for France, Extremus-AG for Germany and CCS for Spain, in addition to the Terrorism Pool for Personal Accident Insurance, which has been operating here since Jan. 2004. Finally, the paper concludes some major findings, proposes some considerable suggestions as well as poses two open questions for further study in future.


9.Kunreuther, Howard, Erwann Michel-Kerjan and Beverly Porter, "Assessing, Managing and Financing Extreme Events: Dealing with Terrorism", Working paper, National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2003, pp. 14-23.
17.Risk Management Solutions, Inc., "Terrorism Risk", 2004. p. 6.
28.United States Department of State, "Pattern of Global Terrorism 2002", April 2003, Introduction xiii & pp. 94-95.
7.Response to Terrorism, International Security , International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State, http://usinfo.state.gov/is/international_security/terrorism.html
