  • 學位論文


A Study of Argentine policy relative to USA and EU after 1990: A Comparison of the Periods of Menem and Kirchner Administration

指導教授 : 蔡政文


近年來國際能源與原物料價格上揚,新興國家重獲生機,阿根廷在這樣的環境下受惠,加上阿根廷一直是拉丁美洲研究的重要指標,因此筆者選擇阿根廷做為研究主體,探究其在國際社會的作為。尤其在冷戰結束後,國際政治體系有了重大的改變,國際社會由兩極體系轉為美國獨霸的單極體系,因此阿根廷對外政策自1989年起也產生根本性的變革,由縱橫整個冷戰時期的不結盟政策轉為與美國霸權結盟;而到了2003年以後,繼任的新政府又轉而與歐盟和巴西結盟,並企圖藉此疏離阿根廷與美國的關係,為阿根廷在國際政治空間中尋求更多的自主權。   本文旨在了解1990年後阿根廷的美歐政策,並試圖以比較分析法和採用國際關係理論中的新現實主義進行研究,其中主要著重在比較1989年至1999年執政的梅南政府以及2003年至2007年執政的季新尼政府之阿根廷對外政策。此外,阿根廷與巴西關係為阿國對外政策帶來的影響,以及阿根廷與國際貨幣基金之間的關係,都是本文觀察的要點。   由於國際社會是無政府狀態,在這樣的自助體系中,為了求生存,弱小的國家在面臨強大壓力時,藉由與任何國家打交道,採取結盟的方式企圖追求權力平衡,如同梅南政府傾向親美的政策方針,而季新尼政府與巴西和歐盟及主要會員國結盟。可以看出兩者均同意新現實主義中,國家最小至少要求生存的觀點,並透過結盟的方式,增加權力資源與權力能力。整體而言,依筆者之研究,阿根廷的對外政策確實是符合新現實主義思維的。


After the cold war, the international political system has radically changed. The international society transited from bipolar to unipolar system, and was dominated by USA. Many countries have adjusted their foreign policy to adopt the systematic change, such as Argentina. In recent years, due to the raising prices of energy and raw material, the emerging countries gradually play important roles in international society. According to those reasons, my thesis is focused on Argentine foreign policy. And this thesis is based on the perspectives of Neorealism theory. The whole thesis uses the method of comparative research. The analysis compared the foreign policy of Menem and Kirchner Administration. The non-alignment movement was the guideline of Argentine government during the cold war. However, since 1989, Argentine foreign policy has basically reoriented. US-Argentine relationship is the core foreign policy of Menem Administration. After 2003, in order to alleviate the influences of US hegemony, Brazil and EU became Kirchner Administration’s strategic alliances. According to my study, we recognize the great explanatory power of Neorealism to the Argentine policy relative to USA and EU after 1990.


Argentina Foreign policy Menem Kirchner Neorealism


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- The European Union and Mercosur: Towards a new economic relationship?(Madrid: IRELA, 1996)


