  • 學位論文


The context of Shanghai in the third person writing Representation of Space

指導教授 : 吳光庭


本研究從對於上海都市的發展為起點,以其作為一個都市文本這種被觀看的與書寫的對象;上海在歷史上它有著半殖民時期所特有的一種複雜與矛盾存在,而整個都市發展上它又是有著舉足輕重的現代都市象徵,外來的人視為一道進入中國的必經大門,裡面的人更是以它為模範地學習觀摩以求得複製上海經驗。探知一個都市憑藉眾人的記憶與經驗;透過書寫、口訴、與攝影的方式紀錄與傳達形成一個複雜而有趣的都市文本。作為認識這個都市的媒介,而其中可代表著都市或被延伸出的特定空間氛圍,其所直接的指涉出文本刺點,於歷史與發展變遷所標示的文本邊界上,都市中的場所與空間的記憶將如何呈現與重新書寫這種開放式的文本架構。在此大量被書寫與抽離後的都市文本中對於一個陌生的他者而言,又將形塑出怎樣的空間想像。   研究的起始點是對於文本之於都市的文本刺點操作來觀看都市,作為一個認識都市的方法以及如何進行文本書寫的角度與策略。而在他者的角度與身份下如何的再詮釋與其所觸及的都市空間感知與認同。藉由被抽離的角度下觀看上海,尋找上海的標的文本來還原與進行上海特定的空間再現,並藉由可得的資料與文本架構下重新審視其中的差異。透過文本的操作練習進而探討,身為他者對於上海的認識,其所依附的文本作者,與觀看的角度、書寫方式來設定幾個身分關係,與文本作者的空間關係。 設計操作主要呈現文本對於空間中的感知體驗,從文本的作者與其關注的角度來建構各部分單元空間的想像,試圖尋找在其書寫的上海文本中獨特的空間感知氛圍,藉由與自我的認知下的空間感知,回過頭建構空間的想像企圖在操作的過程中重新詮釋文本作者所屬的空間,並思考如何對場所氛圍的再現做出回應。藉由空間設計的書寫,以不同的方式串接這些文本之間的感知,試圖將上海的感知與記憶延伸拓展。透過對其詮釋的方法來從新認識一個都市:上海。


上海 文本 文本刺點 氛圍 感知 再現 書寫 詮釋


As an urban context, Shanghai is observed and described down. Due to underwent about complicated and ambivalent history in the particular period of half-colonization, foreigner recognize the location and the imagery of Shanghai by subjective impressions, and then proceed to the next step — getting comprehension with China. Furthermore, the Chinese regard Shanghais-experience as a pattern to study and copy it into models of every city. A city was recorded and communicated by writing, narrating and photographing through inhabitants’ memories and experience to be formed an interesting open urban context. Beneath the transition of historical developing, the recording marked an atmosphere under the boundary of context which atmosphere was extending through some particular space in the city. And the atmosphere will reveal the Context-punctum directly to help people constructing themselves’ urban experiences. There are two topics for this study to discussing. One is how to display and reconstruct the opening context frame via the memories of places and spaces in the city. The other one is to others who is a stranger of the city, the urban context will result what kind of space imagination. The beginning of this study is to reconstruct the city through operating the punctum of urban context to as a method of recognizing, a point of view and a tactic of writing the context. By operating the context, pondering over how to reinterpret the perception and the identification of space in others status. Observing Shanghai as others point of view to looking for the target context in Shanghai of nowadays. And then, restore the atmosphere of that very year in Shanghai to reconstruct the space of the specific era. By introspecting of design, obtainment of information and construction of context, we can re-discuss the diverseness about the cognizance. Through practicing operate the context, conferring that as others how to get knowing of Shanghai and the process. It is also necessary to know about the relationship between what mediums the others elect and the author of context. Including the point of viewing context, the way of writing context and the relationship about reader, author and the urban context.


Barthes, Roland,1997,《明室・攝影札記》(La Chambre Claire)
Christian Norberg Schulz,1995,《場所精神-邁向建築現象學》
(Cenius Loci –Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture),
Sennett, Richard ,2003,《肉體與石頭:西方文明中的人類城市》

