  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of 「Owner's Controlled Insurance Programs」

指導教授 : 胡宜仁


業主主控保險計畫因具有全面性之完整保險規劃、整合性之風險管理計畫、統一性之出險索賠管理,並有節省保險費之優點,在國外已行之多年,在國內則較未見普遍採用,目前僅有台電公司、台北捷運局兩單位,因其大型工程不斷,而累積了豐富採行業主主控保險計畫之寶貴經驗,其他則尚有台灣高鐵公司、高雄捷運局、中油公司、中鋼公司等業主亦具採行經驗。 但隨著現今工程規模趨向大型化及複雜化,且保險安排漸趨不易之情況下,業主主控保險計畫之採用開始興起,然而國內整體保單架構係偏向歐洲地區之型式,與美國地區所採行之業主主控保險計畫存在許多差異,而使用在工程保險之條款又眾多,故若未明究以而將原本適用於美國地區之工程險保單條款,直接套用於歐洲地區之保單架構上,恐衍生爭議,故本文主要在分析、比較我國與美國業主主控保險計畫之差異,並針對國內業主主控保險計畫在投保險種規劃、保險條款設計、被保險人涵蓋範圍及出險索賠等四個範疇之缺失提出幾點個人研究淺見,以供擬採用或已採用業主主控保險計畫之業主、大型營造廠商、工程之參與者以及產險業者參酌。


The Owner's Control Insurance Program has been operating in other countries for years in view of such advantages as the comprehensive insurance plans, the integrity of the risk management plan, the unity of the claim management as well as the reduction of the premium. At present, Taiwan Power Company, Ltd. and Department of Rapid Transit Systems, Taipei City Government are the only two governmental units, who have sound experiences in adopting this arrangement due to the concerns of the big size of the work. As to other companies like Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp., Mass Rapid Transit Bureau, Kaohsiung City, Chinese Petroleum Corp., Taiwan, and China Steel Corp. they also have more or less experience. However, in consideration of the size and the complication of the engineering works and the difficulties of the reinsurance arrangement nowadays, the Owner's Control insurance Programs are getting popular. Nevertheless, most of the insurance policy structures applied in the domestic market are based on the European formats, which are largely different from the ones applied in the U.S. market. Furthermore, there are lots of engineering insurance clauses involved. Without deliberate inspections, if these clauses originally suitable for the U.S. market are used on the existing policy structures, it might result many disputes. Therefore, this research mainly compares the difference of the Owner's Control Insurance Program applied between our country and U.S. At the same time, it also proposes some research findings in respect of the line of business to be purchased, the design of the insurance clauses, the coverage of the insureds and claim issues. All of them might provide the principals, the large-scale contractors, the project participants and the insurers, whether they intend or have adopted The Owner's Control Insurance Program, with some practical suggestions.


1.Frank Eaglestone (LLB(Lond),FCII,FCIArb,Barrister), “Introduction to Contractors’All Risks Insurance”Published by Croner Publications Ltd. ,pp.19-27.
5.William J. Palmer Ernst & Young LLP and James M. Maloney Willis Corroon Construction and John L. Heffron,lll Ernst & Young LLP, “Construction Insurance, Bonding, and Risk Management”McGraw-Hill,pp.187-191.


