  • 學位論文


Modeling and Simulation of Social Networks

指導教授 : 蔡憶佳


在近幾年的研究中,社群網路模型已經被應用在許多的領域中,例如在流行病學的傳染模擬、謠言散布模擬、意見形成的模擬、電腦病毒模擬等,這些都是與我們生活息息相關的,因此社群網路模型的研究一直是值得關注的議題。 在社群網路模型中,大家著重關注的是網路中的叢集度(clustering coefficient)及無尺度(scale-free)特性。在2005年時,加州理工學院的Lun Li等人提出了對於s-metric的觀察,這是對於網路中高連結節點與其他高連結節點彼此連結程度的觀察指標。我們所提出的新模型即針對此點來做加強。 在這篇論文中,我們提出了兩個社群網路模型,一是基於穴居人網路(caveman network)的靜態模型,一是基於成長網路(growing network)的動態模型。在模擬中,我們的網路模型都能提供叢集度及無尺度的特性,對於s-metric,亦有非常好的效果。同時,我們從Internet上取得了三個實際社群網路資料來做實驗比對,在模擬實驗中,雖然無法找到完全符合的參數,但亦提供了相當好的參考。


The social network model has been used for the simulation of epidemiological transmission, rumor spreading, opinion formation, and the spread of computer viruses in email network. Since social networks can be found in many aspects of our lives, it is worth to investigate how they work precisely. The study suggests two models for social network based on a caveman network and growing network. The models we propose can fit the following two properties basically: (1) 'scale-free property' which has power law degree distribution, and (2) 'small-world property' which has high clustering coefficient. In addition, the models are modified for high hub connectivity which is a new viewpoint in scale-free network. This study also provided some empirical data for analysis.


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