  • 學位論文


Cross-project assignment optimization for multi-skilled construction workforce

指導教授 : 楊亦東


一般營造公司在承攬營建工程時,面對工地勞力的指派的問題,僅能憑個人之經驗去指派,然而,僅憑經驗主觀的指派往往造成人力過剩而增加不必要成本,或是人力不足造成工程進度落後,影響工程進度及工程估驗請款進度,增加公司財務調度管理的負擔。所以本研究期能適時、適量的配置人員的工作時數,以有效的掌控人力資源,降低人力成本。 國內對於最佳化理論應用於營建工程上勞工指派的研究,雖然相當的多,但大多是以單一專案去做最佳化的指派,對於跨專案的最佳化指派卻不多。本研究就營建工程而言,擬以多專案排程的角度,探討指派可參與數項作業之勞力所涉及之加班、任務轉換及專案轉換等課題。因多重專案涉及之複雜度遠較單一專案為高,為求精進演算效率,本研究採用基因演算法作為求解工具。本研究提出之模式已應用於多重專案案例中;應用之過程與結果將介紹於本文。


跨專案 多能工 指派


When a general construction company subcontracts a construction project, the labor assignment in the construction site usually can only be done through personal experience; however, subjective assignment through experience could usually lead to over-labor which consumes unnecessary cost or insufficient labor which leads to project lag; the latter might affect the project progress and the project acceptance inspection and payment application progress which in turn brings a load to the financial arrangement and management. Therefore, in this study, it is hoped that the personnel’s work hour can be allocated in time and in amount so as to control human resource effectively and to reduce labor cost. Although several optimization algorithms have been applied in labor assignment, yet most of the optimization assignments are done in single project, and there are very few regarding cross-project optimization. In this study, based on construction projects, we take multiple-projects scheduling point of view to investigate practical issues, such as over-time work, mission transfer and project transfer. Since the complexity of multiple projects modeling is much higher than that of single project, in order to improve the computational efficiency, genetic algorithm is adopted as the solution-finding tool. The model proposed in this study has been applied in multiple-projects cases. The application process and result is introduced in this thesis


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