  • 學位論文


International Labor Migration and Global Governance:Case Study in Migrant labor of Industrial in Taiwan

指導教授 : 翁明賢


在全球化發展趨勢之下,世界上無論是國家行為體或非國家行為者均面臨著共同的難題,而形成禍福相倚的「命運共同體」,因而學界提出「全球治理」理論試圖藉由共同參與的方式解決之。勞工移動現象也在全球化的驅使下,呈現數量更多、在地理範圍更廣的趨勢。故本論文從全球化的角度切入觀察國際勞工移動,在整個供過於求的國際勞工市場上,外籍勞工權益往往受到忽略,同時也對勞工移出國與接受國造成不同程度的影響與衝擊,藉由全球治理的概念,論述在此議題上所形成之跨部門與跨層次的治理活動。 其次,以亞太與東南亞區域勞工移動的中心:台灣本身引進外籍勞工問題為例,畢竟台灣僅為勞工移動之接受國之一,此勞工移動過程也涉及數國之間,故筆者從區域層次出發,敘述在此區域內參與勞工移動治理的國際組織、機制、非政府組織、國家與台灣內部之地方網絡等的行為者,及其具體努力與侷限。然後,以全球治理之核心概念:「參與性」為主要評估指標,發現本區域相較於北美或西歐,尚屬於初期的勞工移動體系,對於移工議題或議程之重視未與勞工移動的數量和規模成正比,而對於「參與性」的要求,基於我國對於外籍勞工團結權之重重限制,導致必須透過國際非政府組織建立之跨國網絡,或是地方草根支援團體「間接」為之。此與「讓被治理者參與治理」的「直接」參與模式之理想尚有努力空間。 最後,在研究發現上,得出全球治理在實踐上有其限度,國家在不同全球性議題上仍有或多抑或少的核心權力,非政府組織或私部門所能夠分享之治理權限,悉賴國家的善意與恩惠釋放出多少邊陲權限,由其他非國家行為者共同競逐。同時,長久以來全球治理關注非政府組織的作用與參與,但私部門擁有龐大資金與技術,如何在治理與營利之間取得平衡不無疑問。換言之,公部門與私部門能否扮演負責任的治理者,將成為全球治理成敗的關鍵因素。


移工 全球治理


Owing to globalization, all actors in the world face the same difficulties, and share “community of fate”, therefore some scholars address the theory of global governance which actors participate jointly to solve it. The phenomenon of labor migration under globalization we have ever seen in quantity and geography. This thesis analyzes international labor migration in terms of globalization. In the whole labor market which supply of labor is more than demand, the right and interest of migrant labor is usually ignored, and the state of labor receiving or sending is impacted in different degree. So through the concept of global governance, I describe the activity of governance across sectors and levels in this issue. Then I take importing migrant labor in Taiwan, the center of Asia Pacific and Southeast Asia, for example. After all Taiwan is one of receiving states, and several states are involved in the migration process, so I will start from the regional level, and describe most actors’ efforts and limits of inter-governmental organizations, regimes, non-governmental organizations, states and gross-rooted networks when taking part in governance activities. Moreover I use “participation” as a primacy index and perceived that this region is a nascent migrant system if compared with North America or West Europe, and relative issues or agenda would not be emphasized. According to participation, Taiwan government strictly abridges the right of union of migrant labors, and migrant labor should “indirectly” take part in their own issues through cross-state networks or gross-rooted supported organizations. There is still far away from the ideal of direct participate model, i.e. one be governed whom takes part in governance. Finally, in my research findings, there is a limitation of global governance in practice, nation-state still owns more or less “central authority”, non-governmental actors could share governance authority after competition with market, and depend on good willingness from government releasing “periphery authority”. Furthermore focused on the role and function of non-government actors by global governance for a long time, how private sector which possesses huge capital and skill strikes balance between governance and profit is still in doubt. In other words, whether public and private sector play the responsible governor or not will be an essential element of global governance.


Migrant Labor Global Governance




