  • 學位論文


LCD Industry Competition and Business Strategy Analysis-A Case Study of S Company Behavior in TWN

指導教授 : 鮑世亨


全球平面顯示器(FPD)市場正在面臨轉換的變革,隨著LCD應用於中小型消費性電子產品的滲透率持續增加,以及液晶電視取代傳統映像管電視的風潮促使大尺寸面板的世代推進。面板廠面對2007年到2008年的產業循環高峰,正準備坐享豐碩利潤成果。然而,在台灣、日本、韓國液晶產業三足鼎立的競爭態勢下,五代廠以下與八代廠以上的產能在未來即將不斷釋出; 消費性電子市場的應用與面板產能不斷增溫是否能相互輝映,有待後續的驗證。 本研究首先來運用外在環境分析如產業分析理論來探討台、日、韓LCD產業的產業特性並勾勒出未來產業發展前景,緊接著伴隨五力分析與描述目前產業內競爭態勢。最後結合內部環境分析如SWOT分析與策略地圖中的四大構面,尋求具備與低成本、差異化與集中化三種策略行為結合的關鍵成功要素,以供個案廠商總公司持續獲利以及分公司在台灣永續經營的參考。期望藉由此文對於身處產業中同為技術領先地位的領導廠商以及後續相關研究者,有實質上的參考貢獻。


Global FPD market is under revolution, it caused by increasing LCD application on handheld products and large size LCD into TV market to replace traditional CRT TV.LCD makers are enjoying high profit during the year of 2007-2008. However, under Taiwan, Japan and Korea three countries main competition, capacity gradually come out. Finally consumer products demand would follow same increasing trend or not, it needs to be proved. The thesis applies Industrial Analysis and Five Force Model into the discussion for above three main countries competition status and LCD industry future development. Besides adopts SWOT Analysis and Strategy Map to look for Key Success Factors that contains Porter three common strategies. To be reference for this case S company that constant profit and permanent operation in Taiwan. Eventually, hope this thesis would make essential contribution to same technical leadership level and following students.


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