  • 學位論文

投資者之人格特質、購買動機及評估準則對其投資決策之影響 -以境內開放式基金之投資為例

The Effects On Investment Decisions By Investor’s Personality Trait, Purchase Motivation and Evaluation Criteria On Shore Mutual Funds

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 吳淑華(Shu-Wha Wu)


隨著國人財富管理需求逐漸擴大,基金市場競爭進入白熱化階段,該如何挑選適合自身所能承受風險並具有一定報酬率之共同基金評估準則,日益受到投資大眾所重視。 根據相關文獻探討,以往對投資者購買基金之投資行為相關研究多著重於其績效評估,對其他影響投資者購買基金的因素較少考量。對於研究是以投資者的人格特質、購買動機及評估準則等變項為研究之主題更是少見。 基於此因,本文旨在探討投資者,在面對眾多的理財商品時,其對購買動機因素、評估準則、投資者之人格特質等參數考量為何。以抽樣問卷方式針對大台北縣市地區基金投資者進行實證研究。本研究實證結果,可以提供投資大眾在決定投資策略及投信業者在擬訂提供理財商品及行銷策略時一個參考依據。 本論文所使用之統計方法有敘述性統計、因素及信度分析、卡方獨立性檢定、單因子變異數及迴歸分析。研究結果發現: 一、假設一「不同的投資者之人格特質、購買動機及評估準則對其投資決策具有顯著影響」。結果是部份成立,發現不同購買動機會影響不同的投資決策。 二、不同人口統計變項(如:家庭年收入)在不同投資者人格特質有顯著差異。 三、不同人口統計變項(如:學歷、職業、產業別、家庭人數及每月所得可投資額度)在不同投資者購買動機有顯著差異。 四、不同人口統計變項(如:年齡、學歷、職業、產業別)在不同投資者評估準則有顯著差異。


Along with the growing demand in the market of financial management, the competition in the market of mutual fund also reached its climax. Therefore, the criteria for choosing both risk-endurable and profit-returning funds become increasingly important to individual investor. According to related literature, the past researches regard fund investment were used to focus on the profit and loss, they rarely considered other factors that influence the investors’ decisions. In addition, the researches that aim at the personality traits, purchase motivation and evaluation criteria of the investors are even less. Therefore, this study aims at conferring the parameters regarding purchase motivation, evaluation criteria of the investors, personality traits, that individual investors deal with while facing a wide variety of financial management products.In this study, it contends an empirical research that was aimed at the fund investors in Taipei metropolis with the method of simple random sampling. The empirical result of this research can be used as a reference for the investing strategies that are planned by individual investors. The result can also be used as a reference for framing the financial management products and marketing strategies of the investment companies. In this research, it contends several statistics methods, including Descriptive Statistics, Factor and Reliability Analysis, Chi-square test of independence, One-way ANOVA and Multiple Regression. The result of this study are: 1. For hypothesis I“ Different personality traits, purchase motivations, and evaluation criteria of investors have significant influence on their investment decisions.”The result find that pant of the hypothesis is supported. The study concludes that the investor’ purchase motivation has significant influence on his investment decision.. 2. Different variables such as annual household income in investor’s demographics would have significant difference on investor’s personality trait. 3. Different variables such as academic background, occupation, industry, number of family member and monthly investment amount in investor’s demographics have significant difference on investor’s purchase motivation. 4. Different variables such as age, academic background, occupation, industry in investor’s demographics have significant difference on investor’s evaluation criteria.




