  • 學位論文


Orange Revolution and Russian-Ukrainian Relationship

指導教授 : 彼薩列夫


烏克蘭獨立後,由於親西方派與親俄派的政治理念相異,造成其對外政策的取向充滿了不確定的因素。然而在歷史發展的過程中,烏克蘭與俄羅斯的關係卻密不可分。烏克蘭首都基輔被俄羅斯人視為斯拉夫民族的發源地,而實際上俄羅斯帝國也統治烏克蘭數百年之久,因此,在民族情感與國家認同上,烏克蘭的外交政策走向深受俄羅斯所影響。 發生於2004年12月的橙色革命是近幾年來備受國際社會關注的歷史事件,橙色革命再次證實上述的問題,因為在總統大選期間,美國與歐洲國家支持從西烏克蘭出身的尤申科,俄羅斯政府則支持從東烏克蘭出身的亞努科維奇。但是在進入第二輪投票時,反對派抗議選舉不公,首都廣場前聚集眾多抗議民眾,這同時引起西方國家 ( 美國、歐洲聯盟 ) 與俄羅斯當局的嚴重爭執,國際選舉觀察團也因此介入調查。外部勢力的介入,也反映出該國內部與外部東西勢力的對抗與拉扯。而烏克蘭的例子正可說明,原來一國的內政與歷史發展竟可以如此強烈影響本身的外交政策走向。如今隨著歐洲聯盟與北約組織的擴大,雙方皆將觸角伸入中東歐地區,而烏克蘭在90年代初期就與這裡大國際組織有合作交流,而獨立後一心想要整合進歐洲體系的烏克蘭,未來的對外走向將格外引人注目。


橙色革命 烏克蘭 俄羅斯


After Ukraine’s independence, political differences within the parties between pro-Western and pro-Russian have created uncertainties about Ukraine’s foreign policy orientation. However, in the development of her history, Ukraine and Russia’s relations are inseparable. Ukraine’s capital Kiev was regarded by the Russians as the original place of Slavic ethnic, in fact the Russian empire has also ruled the Ukraine for hundreds of years, and therefore, in the aspect of ethnic emotion and national identity, Ukraine’s foreign policy was certainly and deeply affected by Russia. The Orange Revolution in Ukraine was certainly a major historic event, occurred in December 2004, revealed once again the problem that noted from above, during the presidential election, U.S. and European Countries supported Victor Yushchenko who was from in western Ukraine, Russian government supported former prime-minister Victor Yanukovich who was from in eastern Ukraine. But entered the second run of voting, the opposition party protested the election process and result as unfair, and later a crowd of people gathered in front of the capital square, this at the same time caused serious dispute between western world (America, European Union) and Russia, International Election Observation Mission also therefore started to investigate. The intervention of external power also reflects Ukraine’s nation interior and exterior struggle come from east and west. This example just explains how this country’s internal affairs and the development of history unexpected intensely affect its foreign policy. Today, both of EU and NATO decided to receive more members to the Central and Eastern Europe, and Ukraine has been officially contacting with these two international organizations since 90’s. Besides, Ukraine eager wanted to join the European Integration after its independence, for this reason, her trend of foreign policy especially will be noticeable in the future.


Orange Revolution Ukraine Russia


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