  • 學位論文


A Study of Spokesperson On Advertising Effects in Culture Creative Industry

指導教授 : 曾義明


隨著人們對生活要求的提高,文化對於人民的重要性也越來越大,文化創意產業可視為識別各國文化的象徵。雖然文化是一項無形資產,但仍可找尋一位稱職的代言人,成功地推展文化資產。故選擇合適的代言人代表台灣推動文化創意產業,走向國際舞台,應受到重視。 本文在研究架構上,主要在探討代言人與文化創意產業之間的研究結果。研究以名人代言人為自變數而文化創意產業作為干擾變數,對受測者所知覺到的廣告效果(適合度、參觀意願、現代感、廣告態度、態度)有何差異。本文受訪者以淡江大學商學院之日間部大學生及研究生為研究對象,並且利用情境操作法,在名人屬性分類上有四種,而干擾變數項中又有三種類別,所以發展出4x3,共12個實驗情境。 研究結果顯示,在適合度與廣告態度上,文化創意產業類型對代言人有交互作用影響。但在參觀意願、現代感、態度等構面皆無顯著影響。本文建議文化創意產業欲採取行銷廣告策略,在搜尋代言人時,應注重該代言人形象是否與文化創意產業形象相符,或職業上有高度相關的偶像或名人。除此之外,應致力去追求令觀賞族群對其文化創意產業留下深刻美好的印象,並能以自身經驗為傳播與宣傳,才能夠有助於對文化創意產業的永續經營。


With the improvement of life style, culture plays a more important role. Cultural creativity industry is viewed as the symbol to recognize the differences existing on the countries.Culture is an intangible asset and the authority should find out an influential spokesman to promote cultural industry successfully. Cultural creativity industry should select the most suitable spokesman to represent culture creativity industry in Taiwan and move towards international scene. This study explores the relationships between spokesman and Culture Creative Industry. In the study, Culture Creative Industry is the moderate variable used to analyze whether or not advertisement has effects (fitness, visit willingness, modernity, advertisement attitude, attitudes) on this industry. The respondents who are graduates and undergraduate students recruited from department of business in Tamkang University. The study takes scenario techniques as one variable that is categorized into four levels in categorization of Celebrity. That is, 12 scenarios (4X3) are conducted in the experimental design. The study concludes that the differences between the types of spokesman and Culture Creative Industry significantly influence fitness and advertisement attitude, but do not on visit willingness, modernity, attitudes. The study suggests that Culture Creative Industry should take marketing strategy to examine whether or not the spokesman’s image is suitable with industry image and the highly related Celebrity should be considered further. Besides, Culture related industry should devote to the deep impression for visitors, and people should promote their self-experience on advertisement. It is helpful for long-term improvement on Culture Creative Industry.


14.林建煌 (2005),行銷管理,第三版,台北:華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
16.張志遠 (2005),代言人類型之廣告效果研究,國立中央大學企業管理學系碩士在職專班碩士論文。


陳昭君(2018)。探討台灣消費者跨境電商平台之使用行為- AIDA模式觀點〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2018.00934
