  • 學位論文


A Study of Career Planning and Intention to Leave of Employees after the Organization being merged

指導教授 : 李培齊


企業透過購併的方式來達到快速成長的目的,但購併過程中被併公司員工必須調適心理,新的組織文化認同必須重新建立,員工之生涯發展必須重新規劃。被併公司員工在重新適應下,往往選擇離職。但新的組織理論上應該比原本組織更有競爭力,但是為何員工要選擇離職呢?又什麼樣人格特質的員工,其離職傾向相對地較高呢?在本研究以內外控人格特質將員工分成三種類型:消極型、穩定型與積極型。探討組織文化與組織變革、溝通機制管道、工作滿意、員工生涯規劃與心理因素之構面,對於被併公司員工離職傾向的影響。 本研究主要採質化研究的方法,以多重個案深度訪談來探索分析其離職傾向的影響。研究結論如下: 第一、企業應該加強與員工之間的溝通,不僅可安撫員工心理,了解員工的認知與想法,隨時調整相關人事政策。 第二、主併公司切忌擺出高姿態面對被併公司員工,應將被併員工視為一家人,讓被併員工對新公司產生認同感。 第三、主併公司不可一昧地將該組織文化強行灌入被併公司,應以漸進的方式達到文化融合,減少合併時文化的衝突。 第四、主併公司應深入了解被併員工的生涯發展,協助員工調整生涯規畫與實現生涯目標。


企業購併 離職傾向


Through acquisitions, companies achieved the purpose of faster growth. However, in the process of acquisition, the employees of the acquired company not only have to adjust psychologically to the change, but also have to learn and to accept to the culture of the acquirer and to adjust their career and life plans. In many cases, these employees often choose to resign after a period of adjustment time. Theoretically, the acquirer‘s organizational structure should be more competitive than the acquired company's. Then, why would the acquired company’s employees choose to leave the new company? What kind of characters exhibited in these employees would cause them to be more inclined to resign after the acquisition? In this study, employees are grouped into three types of characters: Passive / Pessimistic, Stable / Steady, and Aggressive / Optimistic. The purpose of this study is to examine how factors such as organizational culture, organizational reformation, communication channel, job satisfactions, employee career planning, psychological elements, influence the acquired company’s employees’ turnover intention after the acquisition. This study adopts the qualitative research, conducting many in-depth interviews to analyze factors influencing turnover intention. Conclusions drawn from the study are as follows: 1. Corporations should enhance communication to employees. Improved communication not only helps to sooth the employees’ emotions towards the acquisitions, it also helps management to better understand employees’ thoughts and to adjust related human resource policies accordingly. 2. The acquirer should avoid being arrogant and acts superior to the acquired company's employees. 3. The acquirer shouldn’t force the acquired company's employees to accept the acquirer’s organizational culture. With gradual process of culture integration to reduce impacts and conflicts in the acquisition. 4. The acquirer should understand the acquired company's employees’ career developments and plans to assist them in adjusting and achieving their career goals.


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林怡禎(2015)。企業合併時影響關鍵人才職涯選擇之因素 -以綠能產業D公司為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500644
