  • 學位論文

從求助到助人 ─ 靈乩的生命成長

Converting from Help Seeker to Help Provider – Life Growth of Spiritual Mediums

指導教授 : 洪素珍 呂旭亞


本研究旨在瞭解社區裡助人服務的靈乩,他們成為一位助人者的生命成長,以期對同在社區裡作助人服務的諮商心理師,提供一些在地的素材。使能瞭解長期在社區裡做助人服務的靈乩,他們的生命成長與專業養成。以及對於社會上尋求靈乩幫助,以靈療獲得問題解決的助人方式,有所暸解與關切。所以研究方法是以「民族誌」的研究視框進入田野,瞭解靈乩成乩歷練與靈療助人的生活方式。並且以「詮釋學」的理解概念,表達兩位研究參與者成為一位靈乩助人者的生命成長脈絡。 而從文本分析與詮釋的研究結果,理解兩位研究參與者從求助到助人的生命意義追尋,雖然有著不同的核心主題,但都經歷了「陷落困境」、「接受成乩歷練」與「成為一位靈乩的助人者」的過程。在這三個歷程中,兩位參與者在陷入困頓的生活裡,因為神靈的啟示,而接觸了靈性經驗,並且找到存在的希望與勇氣。所以成為一位靈乩,雖然不是兩位研究參與者預期的生命目標,但是與神相遇的無意識經驗,卻是牽動兩位參與者內在的心靈能量,使他們在成乩歷程中,滋養了個人生命底層的負向經驗,並且朝著靈性成長的路邁進。因此成為一位靈乩的助人者,是兩位研究參與者生命的蛻變與轉化。他們因而有了可以重新理解自身生命的視框,並且以助人行動,展開尋回個人自性主體的生命成長。 並且也從研究結果中發覺,靈乩的助人養成,雖然沒有一套系統化的助人養成訓練,但是他們有著不同於社區裡的其他助人者的專業成長。靈乩主要是以開啟的通靈能力,及個人在宗教氛圍所習得與內化的靈性觀與人觀的知識,以及個人所涵融的生命經驗,作為靈療助人的知識與信念。而本研究也從兩位研究參與者與神相遇,所接觸的無意識心靈,及他們以靈性視野帶給求助者的靈性療癒,瞭解他們的靈性經驗均是屬於人類心靈共有的一種集體無意識底蘊,因此而理解靈乩的助人者角色與宮廟林立是一種社會需求。


The purpose of this study is to portray the growth path of spiritual mediums who serve in the community as mental helpers. By probing into the life path and the professional development of spiritual mediums and by revealing the demand of the society to seek for spiritual solution, the study may provide conventional consultants who also serve in the community with local materials. The field study is based on ethnography that describes the training for spiritual mediums and the life style in spiritual healing. The concept of hermeneutics is also adopted to express the life paths of the two spiritual mediums who participate in this study. From the analysis and interpretation of the study, it is realized that although the two participants had different topics pursuing their life goals, both of them have undergone the same three stages: falling into torment, receiving spiritual training and becoming a helper as a spiritual medium. During the three stages, they encountered spiritual experiences and were inspired by deities while trapped in their tormenting lives. That helped them discover the hope and courage of life. Although it was not their expected life goals to become spiritual mediums, during their spiritual training, the unconscious experience of encountering deities triggered the interior mind energy of the two participants, appeasing their negative life experiences deep in their souls and making them stride forward along the path of spiritual growth. Therefore, their becoming spiritual help providers can be seen as a metamorphosis of the lives of the two participants. Hence they can view themselves from a new angle and seek for the essence of their own lives while helping others. The research results also show that despite the lack of a systematic training course for the cultivation of spiritual mediums, the path of their career growth differs from that of other conventional consultants in a professional way. With the power of an opened spiritual connectivity, spiritual mediums combine their internalized views of spirituality and humanity learned in the religion with their life experiences to form the knowledge and faith of spiritual healing. From the archetypal images obtained during their spiritual encounters with deities as well as from the spiritual sights during the healing, it is realized that the spiritual experiences are commonly shared as a collective unconscious among human minds, and therefore it is also understood that the roles played by the spiritual mediums and the existence of various temples reflect the needs of the society.




