  • 學位論文


How External Environments Affect Urban Hotels’ Strategy Forming On Market-Orientation In Taipei And Shanghai.

指導教授 : 劉燦樑


中國大陸自從改革開放以來,沿海地區發展經濟貿易、大量輸出中國產品以賺取外匯的同時,觀光業也成為地大物博之中國的重點產業之一。 旅館業者提供了旅客外出遊玩的住宿地點,由此可知,在觀光業供應鏈中扮演著重要一環的旅館業者,算是觀光業的基石,如今其重要性不可同日而語。 在旅館業者制定經營決策的同時,旅館業的外部環境會對他們的決策制定產生怎樣的影響呢?而影響的程度又如何呢?如果是在區域背景相似的城市,其差異性又會有多大呢?本研究以同樣是兩岸金融重鎮的台北和上海為例,藉由典型相關分析和徑路分析試圖對兩城市中的都市旅館加以分析外部環境對這些業者採行市場導向的決策制定方式影響力有多少?而又是那一項外部環境會產生較大的影響力? 透過典型相關分析可以得知外部環境在台北與上海都對旅館業者實行市場導向的影響力有限,兩構面間的相關性不高,但在有限的影響力中,在兩地影響力都較為顯著的是政策是否鼓勵旅館業發展。 另外透過徑路分析,可以知道競爭者的資源優勢對影響業者採行市場導向中的三個決策方式有很高的影響力,並且都呈正向相關。而消費水平是否提昇則是對兩地都市旅館採行市場導向的決策方式最不具影響力。 研究結果顯示,台北與上海的都市旅館,由外部環境影響其採行市場導向的程度在兩地差異不大,顯示在背景相似的地區,其都市旅館的經營方式大部分是相同的。


Since the economic reform of China, Chinese government developed commerce in coastal city, earned foreign exchange by export huge amount of Chinese product. At the same time, tourism industry also becomes an important point in China’s development plan. Hotels provide a place for tourist to stay, that means hotel industry plays an important role and is the basic industry in tourism industry. When hotel owners considerate how to run their hotel, how and how much the external environments affect them on decision making? Would it be different in two cities which have similar characteristic? We take Taipei and Shanghai for example-both of them are economic center in Taiwan and China-and try to use Canonical Correlation analysis and Path analysis to find out how external environments affect the decision making on using market-orientation strategy, also we discuss which one of the external environments is more important than the others. Through Canonical Correlation analysis we see that external environments affect not much on hotel owners’ decision making of using market-orientation strategy. Even so, it is important in both cities that whether politics encourage the development of hotel industry or not. And Path analysis tells us the resource advantage of other competitors has significant effect on pushing hotel owners to use market-orientation strategy. At the same time, the rising consumption level has little effect contrarily. According to the result, city hotels in Taipei and Shanghai are not so different. The affection of external environments on implementing market-orientation strategy doesn’t change a lot between two cities, which means city hotels in two similar areas almost run the same business model.


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