  • 學位論文


Community Development and Social Capital: The Urban Regeneration Project in Da-Dao-Cheng Historical District

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


都市發展已經進入都市再生的階段,也是台灣都市發展必須要走的路線,主要政策即是將舊市區的風格與形式視為資產而非負擔,使辦理再生計畫地區能同時兼顧改善社會、經濟、文化、實質環境的目的。本文的研究目的擬探討大稻埕歷史街區之社會資本,透過公私部門的相互合作的協力合夥理論及社區公民參與,提出永續經營社區營造,俾利大稻埕歷史街區的都市再生計畫能夠確實執行,有效利用舊市區的豐富特色達到街區再生與經濟復甦的目標,使大稻埕的面貌將會逐步改變。 依上述目的延伸出來本文所欲探討研究問題: 一、如何解決「大稻埕歷史風貌專用區都市再生計畫方案」所存在經濟,文化與政治目標的衝突? 二、如欲順利推動「大稻埕歷史風貌專用區都市再生計畫方案」目標是否需要豐厚的社會資本? 本文採用文獻分析法、訪談法及問卷調查法。先將社會資本、社區營造、公民參與及公私協力理論進行文獻分析探討;研究時先採用質化進行訪談,取得本文研究重要影響因素;再採用量化之變異數分析、多元迴歸分析檢驗問卷因素之間的關係。 本文研究發現有兩大項: (一)社會資本有效解決目標衝突。社會資本在經濟復甦與社區古蹟保存意識與公民參與行動中扮演舉足輕重的角色是無庸置疑,同時也是解決衝突最佳辦法; (二)大稻埕街區具有豐沛的社會資本。研究歸納出「結構取向」:網絡組織結構特性;「關係取向」:信任、規範、道德規範;「認知取向」:情感認同、成本考量以及信念等是推動大稻埕歷史街區都市再生計畫豐厚的社會資本影響因素。 此外,也提出研究建議,就實務面而言: (一)社區營造發展之推行方面:1.街區應多舉辦的社區營造相關活動,街區居民藉由參與活動,而形成個人社會資本的厚實與再生;2.大稻埕街區保存與傳統產業的振興與經營,運用有效的行銷策略及行銷機制,結合商品行銷與地區特色行銷;3.促進社區規範在街區運作,形塑一套共事的價值與規範,達到街區目標; (二)政府、學者專家與居民搭起無障礙溝通橋樑:1.社區組織與社區領導者之重要性;2.社區會議或訊息傳達的機制使居民瞭解政策重要性;3.促進里長與社區發展協會的合作關係。


Urban development has entered a stage of urban regeneration, which is a necessary process for urban development in Taiwan. The essence in policy is to recognize the styles and forms of some old urban areas not as burdens but as assets. In so doing, a project of urban regeneration needs to be launched in a way as to concurrently take into account the various improvement aims in society, economy, culture and genuine environments. This thesis aims to propose a regeneration project for Da-Dao-Cheng to allow it to gradually evolve into a new resilient area, through several constructive steps including: to identify and mobilize the social capital for Da-Dao-Cheng historical district, to urge and organize the concerted efforts comprising public-private partnership and community citizens’ participation, to establish a sustainable community development plan, and to put these steps into actual practice. By effectively facilitating old urban areas that are full of characteristics and regenerating the economy, Da-Dao-Cheng’s features may be gradually improved. Accordingly, based on the mentioned aims, the paper has to tackle the following issues: 1. How to resolve the conflicts brought forth by different economic, cultural and political goals when engaging “The Urban Regeneration Project for Da-Dao-Cheng Historic District?” 2. Do we really need to mobilize abundant social capital and invest it in “The Urban Regeneration Project for Da-Dao-Cheng Historic District?” This thesis adopts several research tools including documents analysis, interviews and questionnaire investigation. The author first engaged documents analysis on social capital, community development, citizens’ participation, and public-private partnership theory. Then, she conducted interviews on pre-qualitatively screened samples to draw significant factors for research basis. And next, she implemented quantitative measurement for variables analysis, and multiple regression analysis on the returned questionnaires to see the relationship among the factors in the questionnaire. The thesis has come up with two findings. (1) Social capital can effectively resolve the conflicts among the mentioned goals: Without a doubt, social capital has played an important role in pushing forward the economic revitalization, rising up the awareness of preserving monuments among local residents, and calling for local citizens’ participation. Social capital also turns a best resort to the conflicts. (2) Da-Dao-Cheng has attracted abundant social capital. In the research, the author has summarized several factors that have great impact on mobilizing and collecting the abundant social capital for the Urban Regeneration Project in Da-Dao-Cheng Historical District, including “structural factor,” featuring the networking structure; “relationship factor,” trust, norms and moral norms; “perception factor,” emotional identity, cost consideration, and faith. Besides, the thesis has proposed some practical recommendations as follows: 1.In community development: (1) More district activities for community development in nature need to be encouraged. For the activities can draw many more community residents to attend and thus can mobilize concrete and sufficient supports for collecting abundant social capital; (2) By applying effective marketing strategy and mechanism, together with commodity marketing and locally unique characteristics marketing, Da-Dao-Cheng is able to preserve its historical district while revitalizing its traditional industries and booming its economy; (3) By fostering the acceptable norms and common practices for the district, the citizens in Da-Dao-Cheng can eventually work out the practical but precious values and norms serve the district goal; 2. A barrier-free bridge needs to be established among government, scholars, experts, and residents: (1) It signifies the important connection between community organization and community leaders; (2) It also helps bridge the gap between local residents and the policy through community meetings or other communication mechanisms; (3) A close cooperation between Li (community) chiefs and community development association is also a must.




