  • 學位論文


The study about Mainland- China-spouses’ immigration decision and impression toward Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊景堯


學者歸納人口移動的通則有三:一是移動者對目的地嚮往的信念構成遷移的拉力;二是移動者原來的居住地有著足夠大的推力;三是移動者評估遷移代價是值得付出的。兩岸交流的過程中,一批以婚嫁方式來台的大陸配偶提供了一個就近研究的途徑,透過他們自發性的移動選擇與價值判斷,可以讓我們思索這所謂的推力與拉力因素所在。 本研究採用次級資料分析和訪談法,在次級資料分析上,主要是參考我國移民署最近10年的統計資料,還有中國1990和2000兩次人口普查的數據;在訪談上,採立意抽樣及滾雪球抽樣方式,篩選8位學歷高中以上的大陸配偶,以半結構式問卷進行訪談,目的在透過彼等親身的經驗與感受,呈現其遷移抉擇,正式訪談前,並先選擇適當對象實施四次前測性的深度訪談,以增進研究效度。 研究發現,大陸配偶決定婚嫁來台前,對台灣的印象都是相當正面的,可是這些好印象卻在來台後開始破滅,只得重新經過摸索與適應,來認識台灣的優點與缺點,重新建立的對台印象仍是正面多過負面,可是對於未來,卻大多希望老了、退休了以後,搬回老家養老,而沒有在台灣終老的打算;研究過程中發現,大陸配偶歷年來台狀況和累計情形在趨勢上基本沒有什麼改變,意味著迄今影響兩岸婚配的變項基本上沒有改變;比較來台大陸配偶出生地統計與大陸人口移動特徵,則發現大陸配偶與中國移動人口有相當的關聯,台灣正以某種形式吸納中國過剩的人口。 研究建議後續研究者,更細緻地區隔大陸配偶,或從大陸配偶所處的客觀環境著手研究;給有關單位的建議,則是以更開放的政策吸引素質較佳的婚姻移民,並充分、有效地運用這些人力資源,避免無謂的社會福利開銷。


According to the scholastic summary, there are three principles of population immigration. First of all, the desirable ideas of immigrants toward destination form the pulling power. Secondly, the original inhabited areas of immigrants compose the pushing power. Thirdly, the immigration cost evaluated by immigrants is positive. In the process of Cross-strait interaction, a group of Mainland-China-spouses entering Taiwan by marriage provides a convenient path of research. It makes us thinking over the so-called existing factors of pulling and pushing power by studying their self-revelation about the immigration decision and value judgment. This study adopts the methods of secondary data analysis and interview. In the aspect of secondary data analysis, the data reference mainly was collected from the last 10 years statistical information issued by the National Immigration Agency of R.O.C. and the digital data of Mainland China population census in 1990 and 2000. In the aspect of interview, the study used the half-constructive questionnaires to interview eight Mainland-China-spouses who were educated in high school and above and chose by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. The purpose of interview is to unveil their immigration decision by realizing their personal experiences and feelings. Before the formal interview, the researcher selected proper interviewees to execute four pre-tested interviews for promoting the validity of the study. This study discovered that the Mainland-China-spouses have relatively positive impressions toward Taiwan before making the decision to come to Taiwan by marriage. After entering Taiwan, their good impressions start to disappear and they have to realize the advantage and disadvantage by re-exploring the circumstance and re-accommodating oneself to the society. The re-established impressions toward Taiwan are still more positive rather negative. Therefore, most of them hope to move back to their original residences for spending retired life after agedness and retirement in the future and have no intent to spend the rest of their life in Taiwan. In the process of study, the researcher found out that the trend of the condition of Mainland-China-spouses entering Taiwan and the situation of calculation during these years didn’t change much basically. This case indicates that Cross-Strait marriage affected by the various factors basically didn’t change until current time. In comparing the statistics of birthplaces of Mainland-China-spouses entering Taiwan and characters of Mainland China population migrating, this study showed Mainland-China-spouses are highly relative to the Mainland-China-migrants. Taiwan is absorbing the overpopulation from Mainland China in some kinds of model. The study suggests the following researchers to distinguish Mainland-China-spouses more sophisticatedly or to study from the aspect of Mainland-China-spouses’ objective environment of their habitants. By adopting more open-minded policy to attract marriage immigrants who have better quality and by taking advantage of these human resources fully and efficiently to avoid meaningless social welfare expenditure is the suggestion offering to relative official organizations.


19.華勒斯坦(Wallerstein, Immanuel),《近代世界體系第一∼三卷》(The Modern World System Ⅰ∼Ⅲ),郭方等譯,台北:桂冠圖書,2000.9。


