  • 學位論文


The Effect of Medical Human Capital on the Performance of Military Hospitals

指導教授 : 葉金成




國軍醫院 醫療人力 績效


The Ministry of National Defence, R.O.C(MND, R.O.C.)is going to imply “the mercenary system” as the military service system and disarm 75,000 people take 200,000 military strength as the goal, because of reduction of the draftee population and military service time. Meanwhile, the medical industry is facing the pressure of transformation of the payment of National Health Insurance and growing competitors, therefore all the hospitals reduced practice of medical specialized manpower due to the income is insufficient for cost. However, a hospital is not only a knowledgeable organization mostly consisting of professionals, but also a knowledge intensive industry. Its’ the practice of medical specialist strength whether for key competition resources? Whether affect the performance? So far, there are not many literatures about medical human capitals of military hospitals in Taiwan. Therefore, this research shall explore the effect of the medical human capital on the performance of military hospitals by the data of the 9 military hospitals consisting of 2002~2007. The conclusions of this study are as follow: 1.Empirical resuls of regression indicate that doctors are the core human capital of the medical human power. 2.Empirical result of regression indicate that the medical human capital are positively correlated with the performance of the service, financial and medical quality performance of the military hospitals. 3.Empirical result of regression indicate that the quantity of medical care of patients affect the income of department of outpatient and admission separately.


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闕廷諭,劉瓊文(2004),「醫院特質、人力資本對醫院經營績效影響之研究」,健康管理學刊,第二卷第二期,PP 177-193。
