  • 學位論文

元代前期(1277~1307)江浙地區海商勢力之研究 -以太倉朱清、張瑄家族與澉浦楊發家族為例

Research of Overseas Trade in Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces in the Earlier Period of Yuan Dynasty ─ In Two Case Studies of Zhu and Zhang’s Family in Taicang and Yang’s Family in Haiyan

指導教授 : 楊育鎂


元代政府對於海外貿易與海商的重視,不僅促成商業貿易的興盛,也促進了市舶港口的興起。由於元政府積極推動海外貿易,因而出現了一批專事經營海上貿易的大海商們。在這些縱橫海上、勢力強大的海商中,不乏一些名顯於元代的海商家族。在江浙地區的海商家族中,以太倉的朱清、張瑄家族,以及澉浦的楊發家族最著名。 由於朱清、張瑄、楊發等人,本身就是負責市舶司或海運事務的主事官員,此為助長他們大事兼營海外貿易,並從中獲致財富私利的主因。此外,在客觀條件上,江浙行省地理位置適中,經濟實力富厚,也提供了經營與發展海外貿易的優越條件。 若從兩大海商家族勢力的興衰來看,兩家族對於經營海外貿易所獲得財富的運用大不相同。朱清、張瑄家族是用於大量兼併土地,積聚私人財富;而楊發家族則以部份財富從事社會公益活動,因而頗獲大眾好評。最終,巨額財富帶給朱清、張瑄家族的是「抄家獲罪」的結局,而澉浦楊氏家族卻則得以顯達至元末。


元代 海外貿易 海商家族 朱清 張瑄 楊發


Yuan government had emphasized overseas trade to flourish its business trading around coast. When this policy was applied, there are some great businessmen had appeared in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces , like Zhu and Zhang’s Family in Taicang , and Yang’s Family in Haiyan. Since Zhu Qing、Zhang Xuan、Yang Fa were the officers in overseas trade department , they could use power to get benefit from foreign trade. And this is the main reason how they could generate so much wealth. Besides, Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces were in great location and which offers more opportunities in overseas trade. If we review the history of Zhu and Zhang’s Family and Yang’s Family, we would certainly see how they use the money that collected from foreign trade in different ways. The Zhu and Zhang’s Family had invested most of money in real estate by their power and wealth, but Yang’s Family spent it for social care. Finally, the Zhu and Zhang’s Family had been erased and charged guilty, but the Yang’s Family had people’s support and remain their names in Yuan dynasty.


Yuan Overseas Trade Navigating Family Zhu Qing Zhang Xuan Yang Fa


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王德毅、李榮村、潘柏澄 主編,《元人傳記資料索引》,臺北:鼎文書局,1979年。
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