  • 學位論文


A Study on the Construction and Demolition of the Taipei Walled City

指導教授 : 周宗賢


臺北府城的興築與拆除,跨越了清領與日治兩個政權,其興築的背景為19世紀末,是中國飽受列強侵擾的時代,因為國家安全受到侵犯,進而有以海防思想為主體的洋務運動來進行改革,再加上牡丹社事件的爆發,使臺灣地位更形重要,於是臺灣建設便成為當時重要的國防議題。 而臺灣建設下的重要工作是臺北設府築城,端看其條件,是由於北臺灣、臺北盆地已從清初的荒埔之地,到清中葉發展成漢人移民區、河港貿易之地,晚清更因為茶、糖與樟腦等經濟作物的外銷,加上臺灣重新進入國際貿易體系,於是呈現蓬勃發展之姿,所以在條件足夠下得以設府與築城,而在其設府築城的歷程中,又有擇址、人事布局、城址選定、經費籌措等等細部工作,最後設府築城的工作完成後,確立了臺北府城在北臺灣的政經地位,也使得日後成為北臺灣首府、臺灣省會。 臺北府城興築時,適逢清法戰爭方酣,而十年後又遭遇乙未割臺之役、丙申臺北府城之役,進入日治時期後,總督府又因為軍事上已不需要城牆進行防衛、衛生工程與都市計劃等等理由加以拆除,進而指定為史蹟紀念物。戰後又因為威權體制下的文化控制,1966年政府又將遺留的三座城門變更設計為宮殿式建築,直到1983年政府才將其指定為國家一級古蹟。 本論文透過臺北府城的歷史沿革,深入研究其設府之背景、築城之歷程、戰爭中的價值、拆除的過程、指定為史蹟的經過,及其戰後的發展,進而分析清廷官員、總督府、戰爭時攻守兩方、戰後政府的思考,以討論其中的戰略,企圖以這樣的角度切入臺北府城的研究,並突破前人之成果。


臺北 臺北府城 戰略


The building and dismantle process of the Taipei Walled City is crossed from Ching Dynasty to Japanese regime. In 19 century, China was threaten by many big powers. The invasion made Ching Dynasty take the Maritime Defense as an idea to do the Self-Strengthening Movement reformation. Besides, The Mutan Village Incident (1871) made the position of Taiwan become more important. Based on these reasons, the construction of Taiwan was the most important issue at that period of time. Among many kinds of construction, the most important one is to build the Taipei Walled City. Owing to the development of Taipei basin, it becomes the most active immigration area of Hans and prosperous commercial place during the middle period of Ching Dynasty. At the late period of Ching Dynasty, the export of Tea, sugar and camphor which contain economic values speed up the Taipei Walled City’s building process. The export activities make Taiwan re-enter to the international trade system as well. After solving the place issue, personal matters , budget problems and complete the whole construction, the Taipei Walled City developed as the capital of north Taiwan and Governor-General of Taiwan in the future. During the building period, the Sino-French War happened. The Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1895) and the revolution of Taipei Walled City also happened a decade later. Under the Japanese governance of Taiwan, they decided to take apart the wall of Governor-General of Taiwan. It is no longer need the military defense, and base on doing hygiene works and urban planning, they designated it as historic relics. Under the authoritarian regime and culture govern, they changed the three walls into a palace architecture in 1966. The walls was refer as first-rank monument until 1983. This thesis based on the past history of the Taipei Walled City discusses its background, building and demolish process and the decision of how to be referred as monument by the authoritarian regime. And also points out its value during different period of wars and the development after wars. Under these historical documents and information, the writer try to doing further analysis toward the thoughts of Ching Dynasty’s staff, the strategy of two antagonistic side of wars, and the consideration of the government after wars. The writer not only attempts to give us some different research points of view of Taipei Walled City but also tries to deliver some new thoughts on old topic.


Taipei The Taipei Walled City strategy




