  • 學位論文


Analysis of One-to-One Marketing in IPTV System– A Case Study of CHT’s MOD

指導教授 : 蔡政言


本論文之目的在探討網路電視導入一對一行銷模式,並以中華電信公司之多媒體隨選服務為研究個案,瞭解網路電視業之營運現況與未來發展,以及一對一行銷模式有效與否之研究。最後研究結果,將作為網路電視業者未來發展之建議與行銷決策之參考。 本研究經由歷史文獻探討相關研究與資料,並進一步訪談業者與技術廠商之專業意見,最後研擬出適用於網路電視之行銷模式。研究結果顯示,網路電視的競爭優勢,在於隨選視訊與客製化服務,且相較於單向廣播的傳統有線電視,網路電視系統具備後網路時代即時互動之要件。因此網路電視業者之行銷策略,應根據用戶個別的消費需求,找尋適切之分析工具,以導入一對一行銷模式,藉此達成企業追求更大利潤的目標。


The purpose of this paper is to explore one-to-one marketing model to implement in IPTV(Internet Protocol Television) system. This paper presents a case study of Chunghwa Telecom's multimedia on-demand service to understand not only the current situation and the development of IPTV industry, but also the utility of one-to-one marketing model. The final results of the study will advise the IPTV industry for decision-making and marketing strategy reference in the future. This study explored through historical documents related to research. Besides, interviewed with industry and technology manufacturers of professional opinions to develop a marketing model apply to the IPTV industry. The results show that the IPTV industry's competitive advantage lies in video on-demand and customized interactive services. In comparison to traditional one-way cable television, the IPTV system fits in the pro-internet-era of real-time information and interaction demand. Thus, the IPTV industry should seeks further additional tools in fulfilling the growing needs of one-to-one marketing to suit variant customers preferences in order to obtain greater profits.


IPTV MOD Data Mining One-to-One Marketing


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