  • 學位論文


The Conflict and Reconciliation between Greece and the European Union Regarding the Independence of former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

指導教授 : 蔡政文
共同指導教授 : 苑倚曼


當美國與蘇聯結束了對立的兩極體系,南斯拉夫社會主義聯邦共和國卻興起民族主義而面臨分裂的局面,也因此引爆了一場激烈的衝突戰爭。國際體係結構的改變,皆影響了各個國家的外交政策,而前南斯拉夫聯邦內戰又嚴重影響巴爾幹地區,造成區域的權力失衡,歐體為了維護歐洲地區的和平,積極展開調解行動。 有鑒於1970年歐洲共同體(歐洲聯盟)的歐洲政治合作,和1990年初期的歐洲聯盟共同外交暨安全政策,皆必須要達到會員國的一致共識,才能對外做出共同立場和行動。希臘則基於國家安全利益的考量而強烈拒絕承認馬其頓共和國獨立,與歐洲聯盟及其他會員國的立場嚴重分歧。最後,歐洲聯盟其他會員國不顧一致決程序,相繼以聯合國暫定名稱承認該共和國,破壞了希臘與歐洲聯盟之間的信任關係。因此,本文擬透過新現實主義理論,分析希臘與馬其頓共和國之間的爭執焦點,探討希臘基於國家利益所作的決策與行為,以及研究希臘與歐洲聯盟之間立場的爭執,和雙方最後的妥協過程。


When the Cold War came to an end with the collapse of Soviet Union, more troubles were looming as a new regional conflict broke out in the Balkans. Several republics separated from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The European Community (European Union) became the vanguard of international efforts to deal with Yugoslavia’s disunion. More specifically, the European Community (European Union) wanted to prevent the Yugoslavian turmoil from spilling into Southeastern Europe. Regarding to the unanimous vote in the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), every member state should have the common position for joint actions and decisions. Greece strongly and persistently refused to recognize Republic of Macedonia., and therefore the European Union could not recognize Republic of Macedonia without the approval of Greece. In order to avoid the extension of war, the European Union’s member states decided to recognize Macedonia. This action caused the dispute between Greece and the Union which broke their mutual relationship of trust. In terms of theory of neo-realism, the thesis aims to analyze the refusing factors of Greece to the Republic of Macedonia’s independence, and to study in detail the decisions and actions which Greece made based upon national interests, and to research the conflict and the final reconciliation between Greece and the European Union.


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