  • 學位論文


A study on the MSWI fly ash sintering enhanced by adjusting the composition of materials

指導教授 : 高思懷


都市垃圾焚化灰渣已被視為可再利用之資源,但未經處理的飛灰常有重金屬高溶出之虞慮,因此穩定飛灰中之重金屬及進行再利用處理技術為未來的趨勢。燒結為再利用處理技術之一,經簡單水萃處理程序之飛灰進行燒結程序,由於水萃灰當中之元素不利於燒結因此單獨將水萃灰進行燒結程序其效果不彰。 經本團隊之研究發現為了增加水萃灰之燒結效果,需給予添加助於燒結的氧化矽成分及其他的助熔劑,由於淨水污泥及廢玻璃中有助於燒結的成份因此後續調質研究將以淨水污泥與廢玻璃進行調質。 本研究先將反應灰進行水萃動作,進一步運用淨水污泥及廢玻璃粉進行調配比例,利用淨水污泥及廢玻璃中高含量的氧化矽及其他助熔劑,在燒結過程中可降低燒結溫度達到節省能源之目的及增強工程性質。並且搭配研磨程序進一步改善燒結試體之工程性質和穩定重金屬在高溫下揮發的狀況。 由實驗結果得知提高燒結溫度,燒結體之抗壓強度隨之增加且健度也回隨之變好。在調質的過程當中發現當廢玻璃添加量與水萃灰相等或少於水萃灰則抗壓強度會隨廢玻璃量增加而增加。將配比控制40 %水萃灰,30 %淨水污泥,30 %廢玻璃粉,其燒結溫度為1000 ℃其未研磨時抗壓強度達389kg/cm2,已符合普通磚1種磚之標準,其吸水率經研磨後再燒結溫度為1,000 ℃可達符合CNS普通磚1種磚(<10 %)。且重金屬的揮發率可控制在20 %上下有顯著的效果,由微結構觀察發現經研磨後之燒結體其內部結構較為緻密化而導致抗壓強度增加吸水率,此燒結試體已具資源化再利用之價值。


MSWI ashes have been regarded as a resource to be recycled. However, MSWI fly ash (FA) usually has the high polluted possibility of heavy metal release. Therefore, stabilizing the heavy metal is the necessary treatment on the recovery process of fly ash. Sintering is one of the possible recovery techniques, while the raw composition of FA is not suitable for sintering directly. Based on the research by our team, we found that additive of mineral materials abound in SiO2 and other flux was helpful to improve the property of the sintering product. Since water treatment plant sludge and waste glass are this kind of ingredient, in the research we use water treatment plant sludge and cullet crushed from waste glass to adjust the composition of fly ash. The first step is water-extraction procedure. And the second step is using the water treatment plant sludge and cullet to adjust the composition of materials. We hope that the Si element and other flux in these additives could reduce the sintered temperature to achieve the goal of saving the energy as well as enhance project properties in the sintered process. Besides, the milling procedure is accompanied to improve further project property and inhibit the volatilization of heavy metal under the high temperature. The result shows that the sample compression strength and soundness is in direct proportion to the sintered temperature. Through the component adjusting process we come to a result that the compression strength will increase while the amount of cullet is equal to or less than WFA. We control the quantity of WFA at 40%, water treatment plant sludge at 30%, cullet at 30%, without milling pre-treated and then sintered the sample at 1000C. The compression strength of sintered specimen is 389 kg/cm2 which have met the standards of ordinary brick 1 but water absorption rate is not conformed. When deal with milling and controlled at the same sintering temperature, the compression strength can be increased and the water absorption rate has met the standard of the CNS ordinary brick 1, beside the heavy metal volatilizing rate will settle down to 20%. Under the SEM observation, we observe that its internal structure becomes more compact leading to an increase of compressive strength and decrease of water absorption rate and thus this recovery product is capable of being utilized.


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