  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Human Resources Development and Technology Transfer of Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia

指導教授 : 林欽明


外人直接投資一直是開發中國家發展經濟的一項利器,馬來西亞便是以外人直接投資來發展國家產業。過去同樣以外人直接投資為發展工具的東亞新興國家,獲得產業的技術移轉,在各自不同產業中逐漸嶄露頭角,而馬來西亞則無法在技術移轉上獲得相當程度的成效。 過去相關文獻均指出馬來西亞人力資源不足的問題,是導致外人無法將技術移轉至當地的主因。因此本研究將就外人直接投資對馬來西亞產業之影響先進行探討,並進一步了解外人直接投資所帶來之技術移轉對勞工技術成長是否有所幫助;再者,以外人對馬來西亞直接投資的事實,證明技術移轉發生的可能性,並探討馬來西亞人力資源與研發的發展,對促進技術移轉的助益與效果。最後,就社會層面探討技術移轉所帶來的所得分配問題。 本研究發現外人在馬來西亞對特定產業投資,就技術發展內容來看,技術提升程度有限,並不利於產業發展。但馬來西亞在人才培育與研發活動上,已有相當大的進步,然而未來能否對於技術移轉與提升帶來幫助,則有待進一步查證與研究;技術移轉所帶來的所得分配問題,仍需政府實施相關政策,方能獲得改善。


Foreign direct investment(FDI) in developing countries has always been a profitable tool for economic and industrial development as well as in Malaysia. However the Malaysia can not get a certain extent on effectiveness of technology transfer such as other emerging East Asian countries that using the same investment in the past, to come to the fore of different industries. Literature over the past pointed out that foreign technique which can not transfer to local area is due to the problem of inadequate human resources in Malaysia. Therefore, this study will being with explore the impact of foreign direct investment to Malaysia industries, and to go a step further about how foreign direct investment exactly help the growth of labor technique. In addition, here will also show the possibility of technology transfer by the fact of foreign direct investment in Malaysia, and discuss how its benefit the technology transfer when human resources and developments be expanded. Eventually, social problem which about income distribution will be find out in this research as well. From a view of technology development, this study discovered that technique limitation of specific investment in Malaysia from foreign investors is unfavorable to expand the industries. Although Malaysia has already make a significant progress of manpower cultivation and research and development, the substance effects of technology transfer is still need to be verified, and some of the problems such as income distribution might also depends on effective policies by Malaysia government.


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